
Road trip to South Carolina to fucking shimmy up that flag pole to shit on that fucking flag and then fucking burn it and then fucking throw it in that dumb fucking Governor’s face.

It’s a shared space where all participants are equal. The water is shared too, which is another factor. Also there is a lot of exposed skin, and the black body itself has been seen as being offensive by a lot of racist shitwads since god-knows-when.

Pools are too intimate for racists to share with others. Because of the little amount of clothing. It’s right up there with water fountains and bathrooms.

I almost got arrested for a speeding ticket and learned that I basically have no rights. Cop knocked on door I answered and apparently that gave him the right to enter my apartment and do whatever he wants.

Exactly. She can “pass.” So her identity becomes a choice. A choice other people don’t have.

Umm, I think the point is that she could have easily avoided slavery by making minor changes to her appearance. Which actual black people can’t do. So yeah.

Reposting, because fuck this noise:

my to go ahead and guess that the real reason is that too many poles had bags with logos on them and now it’s gauche. Historically, rich people use fashion to differentiate between themselves and poor people and then abandon those trends if poor people start adopting them. Anecdotally, my cousin use to buy Coach logo

“It’s the idea of not wanting to seem as if you’re trying to brag about the products that you own.”

My guess is they’ll show off their money by consuming all of the fresh water and leaving the plebs to die.

Even as I suspect it comes from some sort of trauma, I just can’t muster up empathy for her at this moment, in part because I am heartbroken on an almost daily basis by the ways black victims of state violence like Tamir Rice are not only denied empathy, but made to be criminals posthumously and told that their deaths

If tomorrow I started passing as a woman, made up a story about being raped in college, and used that story to become a featured blogger on Jezebel, there would be outrage when people found out I was lying. That's not what Jenner or any other trans women are doing, but is exactly what this woman did. Stop conflating

Kim benefits greatly from low expectations.


Thanks. I feel sometimes like my friends see criticism of the porn industry as somehow un-feminist, but am I crazy to be a little nervous around campus thinking that (for all I know) most of the boys around me masturbated last night to a women getting violently sexually assaulted?

This is a great comment. It’s sad that most young men learn about sex from porn which, in most cases, doesn’t even portray real sexual acts (most women don’t spontaneously orgasm from being jack hammered for 2 minutes and then thoroughly enjoy getting cum shot in their eyes) or worse, focuses on the humiliation of the

Complicated place in our culture. Yes. I believe women have the right to go into porn if they want, that they should have labor laws and protection like any other worker. Do I think it’s sleazy and possibly detrimental overall? Yes. Not something I’d ever want to do, or encourage anybody to get into, though. We don’t

So I watched the documentary and like most people was pretty disgusted. This is controversial, but isn’t it possible that *maybe* having all these videos online that boys watch that glorify women being raped or forced into performing various sexual acts desensitizes them to the ugly reality of sexual assault and *may*

Here’s the thing that is always interesting to me about Jez’s coverage of porn: There’s always a defense of the industry and a statement that being in porn can be a great experience, etc. - even in an article like this one that in fact describes negative experiences had by many people. Yet in articles about sexual