Jennifer Mater

Plus the guy from Daredevil is in it

found it distasteful.

I was surprised that this ended on a happy note. Sure he went to the future where he couldn't save iris. But I was just waiting for something bad to happen to mess up the part.
The Philosopher’s Stone is some top rate pandering to us harry potter fans.

She sleeps with her married ex-boyfriend. Steals a boat and drops out of school.Looking back on the show you realz how awful people they kinda are.

Stein should just be like guys…I have a Daughter now. Thanks Barry. When in doubt just blame barry.

I do love that this is all barry's fault.

Love the she looks like my cousin line. I don't know why he has to hide that he has a daughter.

I don't mind product placement as long as it's over the top

I like the Chicago hope referent. The actor who played tommy is on that.

So I'm guessing this will be supernatural of some sort?

I pretty much assumed whatever crossover stuff supergirl had would be at the very end. I'm really glad stein now has a daughter that's an upside to the fucked timelines. But like catlin was probably like why you being so weird to your daughter?

It's not a plot hole really Cadmus adjusted it most likely. I'm glad Alex and Maggie got together but now I need Lena and Kara to hook up. I love Lena so much.

The black fairy being his mother was a great plot twist. I really did not see that coming. I figured rumple didn't poison the tea though.

hopefully it'll be on HBO. I love lestat and louis.


I'm really hoping this gets another season and it deals more with pairs and lane

she was you probably were just ot young to realize it. I started really watching this show in the 7th grade and back then she seemed so perfect.

I cried during the scene. This was the only season to make me cry.

I'm really really really hoping for another year in the life. Neflix seems more flexible with scheduling. But they just can't end it like that. Plus they have so much story still to tell. I'm o.k with it ending like this now. But if they would of made Rory pregnant at 23 I'd be a bit pissed. I do think she'd keep the

Ray Wise is always going to be the devil to me. I only know him from Reaper.