Jennifer Mater

that Sandee Says thing was painful. I mean yeah they want you but maybe be prepared for them not wanting to hire you right off the bat.

Shut your whore mouth!!! Zach and Lane are the best. They were the highlight of the shows last few seasons.

I know it's weird but I've always liked Logan. He didn't treat Rory like the special snowflake everyone else does.
I'm glad they confirmed Michel’s is gay. I always thought he was but it was always ambiguous. Probably due to the show being on the WB in 2000. If it was on the Cw now he'd be the obligatory gay.

Finally! What this show does is make the villain such an obvious choice that you have to go no way it's that simple. Sometimes the simplest answers are the best.

I kinda of like it. This show is mostly in their point o view. So of course imperialism is a good thing.

Mon-El was a prince on his planet I''m calling it.

also they already did the whole their relationship got erased plotline but giving him something would be a change.

yeah I really think what he's seeing is his daughter and grandson

I really was hoping it was the kids he ended up having. Because He loves Clarissa and I'm hoping that didn't change

what I like about this show is it does't really the Queen likable. It's kinda neutral.

I like this show. I really kinda hate the Queen and I'm glad this show doesn't make you like her.

My country is letting me down. Please know to the rest of the world we aren't all like him.

I love Lena so much. she's always gonna be morgana to me. I kinda ship her with kara. I have a problem. Also for the doctor as soon as she said I'm doing it for my son and daughter it clicked.

Hell fucking yes. This show was my everything.

I thought they handled it pretty well.

I voted early I've always been for Hillary. Bitches get shit done.

she can. Love Micheal so much

Lena Luthor is an alien I'm calling it. I kinda think the president has always been an alien.

They do sell crustless bread. At least they used too. Sorry don't know why that bothered me. I love white Josh and Darryl