Jennifer Mater

You will Never walk again…but you will Fly. That is the Dragon that Bran is going to warg into.

It was Viserion. It said so in the subtitles. What it comes down to is money. They split this season up to avoid contract re-negotiation. It's like when a manga ends and the anime no longer has to stretch out episodes. You're so used to slow pacing that the non-stop action throws you off.

what was in the letter littlefinger was hiding?

I'm just putting this out there. Sansa is going to end up on the Iron Throne. Also she's already playing the long game getting the people and the lords on her side.

it means he's not a bastard. hi parents were married

me too

motherfucking Gendry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't think the spear is poison. I mean Jamie picked it up.

I love how everything with dany is like zero to 100% like no chill ever. It's either super dull or I'm gonna burn you alive with my dragons

I would love it if Jamie died due to his golden hand. It seemed to me he was sinking. But he'll probaly make it out. I'm glad Bronn lived.

is he on her list? I'm not sure she knows all the fucked up shit hes done.

is littlefinger on arya's list? Like he should be but I'm not sure she's knows all the shit he did.

I want Jamie to drown. When I first saw the end I was like holy shit Jamie is dead. But I doubt it.

wtf bran. Like hey I had a vision of you getting raped in your wedding dress. the dress was pretty. The fuck. I get that you were hoping for Jon but learn how to people.

I was really let down. I really thought that the last episode him breaking out of jail and whatnot was just him coping with the things he done as he rot in prison.
Poor Jerry

I'm glad Cersei got revenge for her daughter.

thats what I got from the scene. That's not me.

he's overstayed his usefulness.

Because Jon just came from the north and those are his clothes. I'm glad the show remembered that Sansa and Tyrion were married. I was so hoping to was Arya at the gates. stupid bran. Why the fuck would he bring up her wedding. Did you forgot how to be a person?

I love grease 2. It's so fun and campy. Unlike the first grease which takes it's self to serous. Plus it has hotter actors and a better overall message.