Jennifer Mater

Thank you! Look I was all for Clexa until the bitch sold her out. Clark doesn't forgive easy. I'm gonna stck to my old ship.

How come this show isn't listed. It's just the grade it doesn't say the 100.

Glad I'm not the only one who thought of poor ZuZu. Also so random but I want them to make the promise into an amine/cartoon.

I've been a Bellark fan since season one. I ship them so hard. But that being said I was a bit let down that clark and Lexas meeting didn't end but better. But I get it bitch sold her out.
Bellemey and Clark are EndGame.

I wasn't until it was mentioned on afterellen now I'm vibing it.

Which is fine because now she can hook up with abby.

I had no idea either of them were gay until this episode.

I missed the monty part. I thought only miller had a boyfriend.

I think her hair is just dyed with blood.

I think it's just they don't know how to deal with him. If he was on the ark he would of been floated already.

…did you just pick up on this? It's pretty clear since the beginning.

Also pretty sure Lexa is the one behind the bounty on her. I need me some clexa.

Frist off I kinda just think her hair is dyed in blood. Miller had a boyfriend.They need to go back to that.This is so random and maybe it's because I also read the recaps on afterellen but I really want raven and abby to hook up. I will take all the same sex couples I can get.

I believe so.

I believe Dr.Wells left his estate to barry. I assume he just kept up with the bills.

I love Felicity especially at the end when she's like hey remember when Waller tried to blow up the city. Good times.I know I'm being greedy but I want her to get superpowes. I've been watching the WB/CW all my life. I have a very high threshold for shark jumping.

See I'm totally o.k with him lying to her. He practically pushed her out the door to central city. He does love her but he gets that it won't work.

I think barry didn't want to admit that he was relieved patty was leaving. Because if she left central city she would be safe. It does piss me off that he lied to her point blank. I honesty think he wanted to break up in order to protect her. This is last season of arrow all over. To bad because I really like patty.

What the damn hell/ I can only assume somebody was high watching the last season of 30 rock. And was like yes lets do that… But with satan not God.

The real problem is That Jon Oliver already had a show by the time Jon stewart left. He would of been a perfect fit. Not that I don't love last week tonight.