Jennifer Mater

I glad Petra finally stood up to her mother. She needs to break the cycle of abuse. But I'm guessing by the end of this season either her or her mother will be killed off.
I'm glad Luisa escaped and had a happy life. She probably wanted to get away from the whole crime family. So was the dad dirty? I mean too of his

if you go on other countries neflix better call saul is listed as a netfix original.

16 is the age of consent in a lot of states. I'm fine with the skit. It's a double standard but it works as a skit.

It actually makes a lot of sense. If they were important to the timeline then he couldn't risk them being killed.

The renamed Star city for Ray. Felicity took his death hard. He has his own company.

you shut your whore mouth.

why do you wanna murder my childhood. Please for the love of God keep Johnny Depp away from this. Also he just died. Stop being such shameless whores.

I love this movie so much. It's only forever not long at all. He's so sexy in this movie. He's always gonna be the goblin king to me.

I'm so glad it's not Felicity. But that means it's Diggle. NO I love Dig. He's the stoic voice of reason.

I kinda liked patty. But this is a CW show. she's just lucky she's getting written off to go to school. I was pretty sure they were gonna kill her. Can I just say NO to the Iris endgame. it's yucky. Joe a father to barry just no.
So happy the reverse flash is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

…Do you mean mean girls?

Fuck the Osars more people need to boycott this shit. Half of the judges don't even watch the movies.

I saw Labyrinth when I was a kid. Love love love that movie. For some of us that is who he is. The Goblin King. I love his music. But to me he will always be the Goblin King.

Labyrinth I saw when I was seven. He will always be the Goblin King to me. It's only forever not long at all.
The song oh! you pretty thing got me through a really rough patch in my life. R.I.P you will be missed.

this was one of the shows that started out so good. I hate watched it at the end. Serena was the worst. Looking back I;m not sure I'd even watch it back then I had a dvr.

Come on that show was amazing. Hope netflix picks it up.

I actually thought it was about a lady mobster. Very disappointed to know it was just about QVC.

so Fargo?

this show was o.k but it wasn't on hulu so I rarely ever watched it. My guess is Melissa McCarthy finally got out of her contract.

me too. the new hot zombie on izombie was also from secret life.