Jennifer Mater

I think she might be their to bring Jon back…What other reason could it be.She needs a new puppet king.

First of with Myrcella I mean I know as kiss of death when I see one. But when she said I know to Jamie. I got the most horrible Arrow flashback. And I kpet screaming your going to die.

Dragons Dragons Dragons Dragons Dragons!!!!!! Dany riding a Dragon. I can die now. Sorry but I've been waiting for years for this. Very sad on Shireen but I did see it coming. The tip off was him sending his man away.

Finally white walkers. I never gave a shit about Jon snow until now. That was such a great scene.

The really fucked up part is those girls that he molested are his sisters. That's all pedophiles. And I'm pretty sure the duggars are quiverfull which is basically a cult in my mind.

That show was terrible. I got talked into watching it. So o.k it's alright I really love the robin and barely pairing the then they just ruined the entrei show with the ending. Not o.k. I wish they has kept the orignal one. Where it just ends with him meeting her. I'm getting upset just thinking about it.

I like Haley and Andy he's a sweet guy and they didn't just fall together.

See the thing is the actress who plays Alex is underage so they never really address how hot she is or really give her any real romantic plot lines.

I thought it was always implied.

I also heard that he molested some of his sisters. Fucking pedo should be in jail.

Fucking hypocritical bastard. there's a special place in hell for pedophiles.

I think he's too young and spineless. Like his mother talked out of seeing the sparrow in person.

Finally she gets hers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You don't even understand I got spoiled on so many things about this season. None of them actually coming about. This was the only thing I was spoiled about that came true. I'm so glad she's fallen. Now if only the Tyrells can escape we will be golden.

I love the dog and snake at the end. Also that was the best will ever.

I really saw this coming. I didn't read the books but I know it goes down differently . But I had kinda braced myself for something like this to happen.

Daddy No. They need to bring Holt back.

I watched all season of gossip girl.So I'm kinda over it.

Bronn was in an 80's pop band.

It's to show how powerless Tommen really is. I think he's about to feel the thorn of his wife's family.

Poor Sansa. That being said she must of prepared for something like this to happen. All of her plans involved marrying him. I just hope she can trust little finger. I love the Tyrells do not count them out.