Jennifer Mater

It's Samwell Tarley you damn well better remember. Say what you want but he's still here.

Kinda boring but at least they had dragons. Poor Jorah guy cannot catch a break.

No you weren't. I waited over a month for this? I just want to kick back and watch kings landing.

I'm really bummed the Sovereign wasn't really David Bowie. Also I know they finally solved 24's murder that it was the moppets but I just keep waiting for 24 to come back.

I was wondering if Doc knew Dermott was his kid. Guess that answers that. l though it's nice in the beginning that he basically treated him the same and hank.

Poor 24. I kept hoping they would bring him back.

He's mentioned a bunch of times that he lost his virginity at 24. It could be that she was his first. He's a lonely loser and she was nice and super into him. It's more sad than anything.

I love Henchman 21 and The Lepidopterists is one of my favorite episodes. I hate that your my best guys.

Can I just say how much I love David Bowie.

Either ways fine.

You and everybody else. I haven't read the books So for the longest time I thought that was straight up cannon.

That's why they had Joffery killed to protect her brother. I can only imagine what the grandmother will do now. I love the tyrells.

I never liked Stannis what with the burning people alive. But it's like their trying to make him more likable now.

I love Margaery so much. And I wouldn't count her out. Yeah it''s sad when she finally realized she wouldn't be able to control him like she did Joffery.

As well it should.

I now know why the killed of Ben. Their can only be one major black character and the honest cop is getting set up for season two.

I figured he die once Karen made it through the last episode.

I just want them to put boy meets world on netflix is that too much to ask?

I don't know I'm Catholic and I didn't think it was that bad.

I'm so happy Margaery is finally Queen. I haven;t read the books but I believe the show improves upon her. I don't think she's this delightful in the books.