Jennifer Mater

I'm so glad that crazy aunt is dead. Though someone spoiled it for me in the youtube comment section. I know it's kinda after the fact but can the a.v club just post the new game of thrones promos on the newbie site. It's really hard to avoid spoilers.

O.k Where their master plan went wrong was the killed liv's brother to get her to agree to do the spell. But he was the first to go through bonnie on the other side. At the very least he should of been held last to make sure his sister did the spell. That was a major fuck up.

first season's on netflixs. that's how I got into the show.

I'm a die hard Olicity fan. and after freaking out for a moment. I realized it was them out foxing Slade.

I love Felicity. I freaked out for a solid when Oliver told her he loved her. Then it hit me. It was some sort of long con. Everybody on the show knows that Felicity is totally in love with Oliver. I'm mean even Moria knew. The need to happen as a couple. Felicity is the best.

My theory is everything that has happened these last seasons all just a coma dream from the car crash in season three. Quinns our town.

The witches are crazy. First half of the season I felt bad for them. Being kept down by Marcel. Nope first time they get free it's all hexing priests and killing babies. Nope. Fuck them. I knew Haley would become a hybrid. But why didn't anyone else reason that what's would happen if they killed her right after giving

They did it on Angel. and that horrilbe movie we dare not speak it's name. They will do it here also.

so I have to wonder. What about Alaric. and does he know that damons been Cheating on him? I f they can bring Stefan and Enzo back…why not Alaric.

no I know what happens. I didn't write it down because I don't want to pass the spoilers.

I don't think it'll be frozen. So much as the snow Queen. The story frozen is based on.

I'm a SwanQueen Fan. So….

Yes. Such a great episode. Loved everything. Every single moment. Happy ends depend on when you stop the story indeed. Those last seven minutes I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop. And I was not disappointed. I knew bringing that chick back would would have consequences. But it wasn't that bad. Regina's

I know what's going to happen. because some ass hat on youtube spoiled. Dammit comment section.

Varys in the first season. Straight up said he was no hero. And watched ned die.

I love Tyrion so much. Fuck yeah Trail by combat. It's his ace in the hole because no one ever thinks of him the type to fight.

I never really liked shae. I figured at some point she'd betray him and I was right.

I'm just glad hart of dixi is renewed. That show is my gulity pleasure.

it's coming. She's going to die.

thank you for makin me feel old.