Jennifer Mater

Detective Lance will die…just not in thsi season. He's this shows Mr.Kent. One person who will die for sure is Isabel. You don't threaten Felicity and get to live. Simple as that.

I know this is wrong. But Detective Lanse is my khaleesi.

yeah I have a feeling her might end up in russia.

I really hope that Thea didn't kill Merlyin. That would be too much. it would break her.
O.k so Isabel is going to die.I don't know if anyone else noticed this but everyone who threatens to harm Felicity it does not end well for them. Case in point Moria.

also Ron from Parks and Recs. He called the cops told them people had broken into his house.

I only read the book-it's too upsetting. But in the book she did have one of roberts sons and she flat out kills it. She mentions this in the first episode of season one.Not the killing for her son just that he had black hair.

I sure as hell hope so. No one gets away with being mean to Trion. Just look at Cat. bitch got what was coming to her.

yeah kinda surprised they didn't mention anything about it. Though really are any of us that surprised that littlefinger was behind everything. I mean he's a main character. In the first season I wondered why they kept going on this random pimp.

I feel like all the crazy bullshit that Joffrey put her through at least made her able to handle her Aunt. She clearly said the right thin.

Poor Sansa. She just doesn't seem to be able to catch a break. She is not safe with her crazy aunt and cousin. And yeah littlefinger is sane. but I can only assume that he will kill Lysa and her son. And then try to marry Sansa.

I also really hope they don't decide to turn Regina evil again.
The more evil she is the more she looks like a drag queen

yeah but his lips were cursed. It said nothing about a kiss.

…So is Zelena dead? I mean she was terrible. I would love it if all that shit she went through to go back in time. Only to have it work after she's dead.
I think Emma and hook will go back in time to when Regina was still the Evil Queen.

I love Felicity so much. Also I can't help but feel like if Walter found out that Oliver was the Arrow his reaction would be much like Felicity's. He must at least suspect. hope there more of him in the next season.

I like Mikael. I like that he's playing the whole my son's a monster card he played back in the 3rd season of Vampire Dairies. Because if you don't know what he's done and how alot of things are his fault. Then he's kinda a sympathetic character.

I worked with someone who went to high school with two of his uncles.

Please kill off snow and david. they are beyond useless. No. David is o.k as long as he's hitting on hook. But Really I think the whole cutting hearts in half is setting up for their death.

Which is just a cruel taunt to us SwanQueen fans.

I can't wait for her to outlive Tommen and hook up with daenerys. Shut up it will happen.

I know it probably won't end well for her. But as long as she gets the iron throne and takes as many lannisters as she can with her. I'll be happy.