Jennifer Mater

I've been of fan of her since season one. I happen to like her idealism.

Can I just say I don't care if it all goes to hell. And she becomes power mad. I will always root for Daenrys.
Also I think she didn't show mercy to the slavers because showing Mercy failed her before. Back in the end of season one and two.

Yeah me neither. She got nocked up just so she would sell her baby.

No thank you. Hope she goes away.

I love that she stayed in Pawnee and found a way to take that job. But I did not like the time jump. Though I could be wrong. I feel like that was put in just in case the show didn't get another season.

Well he said to Caroline that he just wanted to thank for not be with her.

well he was in love with her.

I kept hoping someone anyone would come…and they didn't. it was heart breaking.

As soon as she said I know. I knew she was going to die. I didn't think it would come quit so soon. But it was coming. Two motorcycle accidents in two weeks. That pushed her over edge. She's not an idiot. I really thought this would end with Thea finding out instead we get this. Oliver really needs to explain to thea

I don't know he didn't kill anyone and was hexed. Jenna wasn't stuck on the other side.

What happened to Father Kieran was so sad. I really hope he isn't stuck on the other side. He was like a vampire for like a minute and it was forced upon him. I love both shows but the other side is the worst thing about this universe.
Also if anyone is this show's Caroline it's Josh.

I was hoping. But I remembered he had cancer. Very Glad he is though.

Love it so much. So glad the baby is Archer's. Also if it wasn't for all the danger zone and Burt Reynolds I would just assume that this shoe took place in the 60's. or maybe 70's.

I was kinda hoping they pin the bombing on Sally.

we didn't see him get shot. I'm at a point where unless they show that person straight up being killed on screen their alive. It is atfer all a soap.

So first off Harrison isn't dead. I'm not saying that because I like him and can't stand to see him dead. It's just they didn't show him get killed or even his dead body. What we did get was papa pope telling him how he'd hate to kill him as he could be useful. My guess is he's with B613.

poor tyler.

I agree. That's why the show is going to have her fall with Enzo.

This very much not o.k. Hoe he gets his job back and you know sues the school

I'm a die hard Angel fan. So yes I do know who Amy Acker is.