Most likely those are floor jeans she’s wearing. Gotta shake those shits out before wearing them.
Most likely those are floor jeans she’s wearing. Gotta shake those shits out before wearing them.
This is yet another reminder that having a child does not suddenly make you an expert on literally anything, and that the act of birth is something that literally billions upon billions of people around the world, both very smart and incredibly fucking dumb, have done throughout millenia.
Katie Perry is not the most enlightened person on earth for sure, but I applaud her for being honest about the journey that lead her to be more accepting. I think if more people were honest enough to say “I used to have messed up ideas but then I realized how awesome X group of people is” it might help people who are…
When I was a young alternative person, it was shameful to like Britney. I’m glad I can love her with abandon now.
Do you understand the kind of brainwashing that woman has been subject to for her entire life? People in Quiverfull circles actually think that divorce is worse than murder. She’s under incredible pressure from both sides of the family to “forgive” him. And since she’s probably been homeschooled her entire life until…
Now that President Obama has moved on, it’s actually nice to see the new leader of the free world sitting in the Oval Office, and also Donald Trump.
I’ve read through this three times and I’m still not sure if I’m supposed to be picking what is better or what is worse.
The real loser to both of those is being a teenager.
I’m conflicted. On the one hand, I’m 100% on her side and 100% opposed to the alt-right. On the other hand, her special was not good. I’m a fan of her show, and I liked her movie a lot, and I liked her previous special, but this one sucked, frankly.
This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this person.
I clicked on the link exactly for that reason!
I feel like there’s a Tobias Funke joke to be made here.
I actually was recently shushed at a restaurant by a waiter whilst passionately defending JG from a friend who dared to utter the phrase: “he was gross like John Goodman”.
I had a crush on Dan Conner in middle school and high school but I never told any of my friends because I thought they would make fun of me. Screw those snobby little bitches...I have fantastic taste.
The only reason sites like Jezebel exist is because assholes like you have to call girls who love dick sluts. But young men who love pussy are just men, right?
I’m like Lucille Bluth to your Gene Parmesan
Is it normal that their use of the phrase “keeping it real” is so much more offensive to me than blathering on about pussy?