Jenny from the Arrondissement

Why, Girl Guide cookies, of course! ;-)
What is a health care credits? Thanks to our universal health care, I have no idea what those are.

Oh, and I suspect the tourism situation is just going to keep getting worse. I love the US and regularly drive down to NYC. My husband and I were planning to drive down the

Boom goes Florida’s economy.

New York City is also projecting that there will be 300,000 fewer tourists. Because people are hearing stories of CBP treating people like shit and deciding that it’s just not worth the risks. And the idea of forcing people to hand over passwords is terrifying for the business crowd, so business travel should be down

“...any number of different ways, and microwaves that turn into cameras, et cetera,” Conway said. “We know that this is just a fact of modern life.

Don’t put this on Kevins. It’s a total Brody move.

Maybe she’s hoping Ivanka will sigh in exasperation and be like “FINE, I’ll do the first lady stuff. Damn, I have to do everything around here!”

I agree. Ma shouldn’t have released that second track but it doesn’t matter, she destroyed Nicki. To me, the stuff about ghostwriters and how Nicki can’t be the queen of rap when she doesn’t even write her own rhymes hit the hardest and you know what? The fact that Nicki didn’t respond immediately attests to the truth

Ray Liotta was asked about Jennifer Lopez’s exes

When I was first engaged, I was with my high school sweet heart. When it ended, I remember telling him that I wanted to see the world, have a huge career, and make all my dreams come true, and he told me that I wanted too much. This song reminds me so much of that moment, when I realized I was too much for him.

princess valhalla hawkwind would not have clapped also.

There is no way she is a 4 or even an 8.

She does look great, but I’m skeptical of that size 4 thing. She looks like I did at a size 8.

did you see who we made president or

Can I just remind you that the original reason they got a reality show is because a morbidly obese white trash mother had a morbidly obese white trash family and specifically a fat rednecky child who entered beauty pageants and people enjoyed laughing at them? What a time to be alive.

Kate McKinnon is also far too young to play Jeff Sessions. Fortunately, she can act.

Wow, I....I was so wrong.

I swear, if I see one more tourist pretending to play with the Bull’s testicles I’m just going to lose it.

We love each other more than Gwen and Blake love each other

God doesn’t exists, next question.

You are Sasha Farts.