We need Garafolo at times like this.
We need Garafolo at times like this.
“There are lines that go back six blocks. I tell you that because you won’t read about it.” It’s getting exhausting listening to his lies. No one is reading about it, because it isn’t real— just like the Bowling Green Massacre.
That’s some good trolling.
work that money, amber! <3
“what the abortion industry does not want you and the world to see,”
Wow. These men are so obsessed with abortion! They really need a new hobby. what are the major theories about why there is this incredible resurgence of men being obsessed with abortion? Is it a backlash against how other rights are progressing? Hatred of women in power? I legitimately can’t figure it.
How are any of these things incompatible with actual feminism? If you think they are, and deserve a special label of “Conservative Feminism” (which doesn’t really exist), then you don’t actually understand what feminism is. For example, we should definitely have home ec classes in schools, but they should be required…
Kellyanne Conway is like most of the conservative women who mock feminism because they don’t understand it. She doesn’t have what it takes to be a leader, to advance the cause of women, or to do anything that is actually helpful. She criticizes feminism without any sense of irony because she believes that she is so…
“And I’m neither anti-male or pro-abortion.”
The American right spent 40 years courting and nurturing hate and divisiveness and now their next gen stars are scaring even them. It’s rather entertaining to watch Republicans now, like alligators eating their own spawn.
This makes me feel really sad. Little kids can’t even be kids any more. they have to go to Town Hall meetings and talk about funding. Good times!
Too be fair, the 7 year old is not insane.
The statement + the cute squeaky voice + the slight bedhead = I’m dying in the best way possible.
95% of reddit is men who vastly overestimate how awesome they are while denigrating everyone else so take their testimony with a grain of salt
I’m making this face. It’s the same face I made when my friend (who’s ex-wife is a terrible person and I have firsthand experience with her awfulness) posted some bizarre MRA produced video about how there’s no help for battered men on FB.
Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?
My Dog, Dex...when I ask him “OoozagooboI? OOOZAGOOBOI??!!
500 days of Lennu! Make it happen.
Oh, my heart. So adorable.