Unless they want to age Ariel up a bit, like a couple of years.
Unless they want to age Ariel up a bit, like a couple of years.
Milos is gay, and he stated that he had this POV because at age 14 he was “definitely the aggressor” in relationships with older men. He was also abused by a priest as a child. I don’t think he’s trying to stoke homophobia—he’s the type who speaks from his own personal POV as if it is generally accepted fact.
I’m kind of perplexed by what argument, exactly, you’re trying to advance, and I’m not even trying to broach the meaning of “questionable circumstances.” Being capable of losing your virginity, or being “sexually mature,” is not the same thing as being emotionally mature or able to establish equitable power dynamics…
He tweeted a sad tweet on vday. Hoping it is part of his grieving.
Of course 44.5 doesn’t want to be dictator, he just wants to restrict a free press.
Actually “CEO” is a term that means “Chief Executive Officer”, and is usually the title of the person who leads a company, may it be big or small. Sometimes they scam their way to the top, but sometimes it actually does take hard work and accomplishment. Also they may not do the day-to-day nitty gritty, but managing…
Was already planning to watch — especially with Baranski and Cush — but even more eager now at the prospects of more Elsbeth.
Glad to see this. TGW was always so underrated in comparison to a prestige stink bomb like House of Cards, and it definitely had a group of characters that deserved a continuing story.
Officially, Tillerson is staying at the Steigenberger Sanatorium because all the hotels in Bonn were booked by the time he decided to attend the summit, as if there was some chance America might not be represented there this year.
If it’s Petreaus, he’ll have to notify his probation officer because he’s still on probation.
Yeah, it’s almost as though there’s just something about them that’s . . . different —
Fuck Susan Sarandon. When she was saying Trump would be better than Clinton (because at the time that was the choice) she advocated that with Trump there might be a revolution. Fuck your spoiled, privileged, white lady life. Bitch doesn’t know the first thing about revolution. People fucking die in revolutions. …
Here’s some perspective on Susan Sarandon’s recent tweets regarding her sexuality:
I’m so sorry you are tired. However I hope you keep screaming at the top of your lungs in every comment section, and at every opportunity you get.
Possibly the Holocaust-denying Institute for Historical Review who promised a reward of $50k to anyone who could provide evidence that Jews were exterminated at Auschwitz?
nice citation
I’ve been rolling around in the greys for months angrily yelling at every article that has covered autism and/or vaccines. I’m tired.
Dudes who are not medical professionals tell everyone the dangers of medicine.
i want back into the matrix.