Jenny from the Arrondissement

Yes, because these people are idiots.

Hey you unmotivated non-voters and anti-Hillary protest voters, still feeling so fucking self-righteous? If you think we’re gonna last long enough to have that Susan Sarandon advertised “revolution” at the ballot box, then have I got a bridge to Russia to sell to you!

“Whats with all these leaks!”

That’s not how you Republican.

I love how trumps only defense is: “these leaks are illegal!” Meanwhile during the campaign he said he loved Wikileaks and begged Russia to hack Hillary’s emails. Karma is a bitch.

I agree with her on supporting work with more diverse casts and characters and people behind the scenes. How many more romantic comedies or family dramas do we need that are just one flavor? Or history of only one shade of people? The thing people miss when they say inclusion is about being PC is that diversity makes

“Timothy Olyphant is so fucking hot in Santa Clarita Diet.”

I’m gonna hijack that Drew Barrymore story to say damn, Timothy Olyphant is so fucking hot in Santa Clarita Diet.

I don’t know if this is a baseless rumor but I read that both Trump and White Houe official have unfollowed Kellyanne Conjob on Twitter! Anybody else hear this?

If the President thought he needed to investigate himself he would vote 1-0 to pass a law to have an investigation and then he would sign that law and then he would appeal it to the Supreme President and then he would rule it was super-Constitutional. How can people not understand that?

I can’t tell you how many times I have said that the Trump’s have to been mirroring the Bluths.

Trump at his impeachment trial:

Alec Baldwin sure looked good back then. I wonder what happened. Is there a specific time when your face just get wider?

Today he should be ashamed? Every day. This fucker ran out on his constituents during a town hall meeting and the next day said that they were all paid protestors. Fuck him.

Chaffetz is one of the most spineless, worthless, cowardly motherfuckers in the GOP today. He should be ashamed of himself and his weasely face. Ugh.

Yep. We’ll probably be seeing that piss tape real soon.

Nazi Barbie needs to go down in flames like the Hindenburg.

She probably didn’t know he was a white supremacist but the fact that white supremacist tweets speak to these people enough to consistently retweet them speaks volumes. Jesus, we are so fucked.