I’m not crying!
I’m not crying!
Yes and yes! You are both correct!
How has Fox News not been labeled a hate group?
There’s a difference between working for a customer you don’t particularly like (or even loath) vs publicly acting to prop up and celebrate them. More than that, because this isn’t just “a job” they have to deal with becoming a propaganda tool for a politician who supports legislature that may directly seek to negate…
Like, literally the only nice thing I can say about her is that her hair no longer looks like the Sahara.
Am I supposed to be relieved by this? This man knowingly and willingly exposed his partners to a potentially life threatening disease without their consent. At least one contracted the disease.
I smoke on a near daily basis, and so do quite a few of my peers and friends. Most (including myself and my husband) are successful in our fields. But we are artists sooooooo its not like its going to have a detrimental effect on our production. If we were drs? Lawyers? Office drones? Maybe. But I dont its fair to…
When I was pregnant with my 2nd a year ago I was curious about this and looked up the studies myself. Generally the consensus is a whole lot of ‘not sure’ and studies did not look at women who only did a LITTLE (studies usually go with women who toked over a certain amount, much like caffeine-in-pregnancy studies;…
The conspiracy talk completely sucked in my father. My previously-intelligent, sensible parent. He retired, didn’t have many hobbies, started dating a whack-a-doodle nutjob and suddenly became an expert on conspiracy websites.
That poor tree. Killed to make about the ugliest Christmas Tree ever.
Could anything be more representative of the next four years?
No. It’s a goddamn cedar tree. It looks gross because it’s not a traditional type of xmas tree at all. This was the dumbest idea ever.
The ornaments were made in China, I guarantee it.
I can’t decide if you are very young or just very weird.
My daughter and I do anti-Christmas card pictures each year (well, for the past few years). We aren’t a stuffy family and it’s our way of giving the finger to establishment and propriety here in the South.