Millennials are each a special flower.
Millennials are each a special flower.
Why is everything in rich people stores beige?
I got in a solid 30 seconds of “well helooooo, Tarzan” before the horrible niggling part of me wondered where Tarzan gets trousers.
Why wasnt this mentioned? Ladies and gents our new Tarzan!
Not to be salty, but I knew she didn’t bake those fuckin’ pies the second I saw them.
Who said we wanted anything to do with yous kunse anyway? Bloody bunch of poofters.
Pretty much. Almost nothing he says makes sense, even when there's a grain of truth behind it. He’s like the Donald Trump of nutrition.
Say what now?! Scrooged is a classic!
1) EVERYTHING YOU EAT is GM in some way, even ancient grains. Humans have been Genetically Modifying every fucking thing they eat for millennia now. There is literally no strain of plant or animal on this earth that’s not been modified or influenced in some way. Some have been modified more than others, but nothings…
This kind of statement is why eco food warriors have as bad a reputation as fox news.
There is no genetically modified wheat on the market. Monsanto is working on a glyphosate-resistant variety, but estimates it will be at least ten years until it’s available.
I’m cool with diversity, but are people who dislike wheat because it’s industrially cultivated and intensively bred really pushing for ancient grains to become mainstream, thus being industrially cultivated and intensively bred?
Duh. In case you want to return it.
Well based on a strict literal reading of the Koran, she likely believed she would see her child in heaven in the afterlife. So if you believe in such things, it makes perfect sense.
Fucking TERRIFYING on SVU, tho
Don’t worry, I do too. But I like to remember him as his character on Weeds.
Yes! I was quite sad when he stopped showing up in Weeds. Not down with the pornstache and tiny little mullet though.
I saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Dicks one time, but it was the ‘80s and things were weird back then.
he’s totally hot IRL. follow him on instagram!