Jennifer Ford

Argh! SO late to this party. This was a FANTASTIC episode, but I want to blather about the comics for a bit in context of the show.

The speedforce description that launched a thousand Flash/Slash fanfictions.

I loved this episode with one exception:

Mine, too (Uhm, Ollie? ROY?!)

Yep. IMO, the inclusion of Rory was what really made that Team TARDIS one of the all-time greats. Right up there with Four/Sarah Jane/Harry Sullivan for sheer awesomeness packed into one time machine.

I'm always running behind on watching things, so I can tell how much I like a show by how fast I watch it. This beat out Arrow, which I LOVE, so…

Sure, but these two scenes were clear homages to the Tarentino films.

Last week it was Reservoir Dogs' diner scene; this week it was Pulp Fiction's diner scene; what diner scene will we get next week?!

I liked that almost nothing was the same 2nd time around. So often, the hero goes through the same identical day except for changes he makes for better or worse — this was nicely chaos-theory-ish in its random-reset playout.

That diner was such a Reservoir Dogs homage, I was expecting one of them to mention that he didn't believe in tipping.

This episode is up there for me with the first in-costume Arrow/Black Canary episode for squeefulness. I know they're going to reset some things but WOW was that a killer last act.

I went to iTunes to see if I could buy soundtrack music for this show, pretty much with this song in mind.
(And no. No we can't…)

I thought that looked pretty great. I'm in!

He would've been right if they'd released in 1952 — the year they all time-traveled back to make it in.

That is a solid, really beautiful movie full of great performances, and the ending is SO MUCH BETTER than the book's. The book's was just painfully preachy and dumb.


The cool thing is, he doesn't even see us as lgbtq/women/black/etc. We are all just white dudes to him — that's how open-minded he is.

Hey, just asking, is there a word for a person who bases their opinion of a group of people on their personal reaction to one or a few of the people who happen to belong to that larger collection of individuals?

She shouldn't have been nominated for such a broad performance in such a campy movie — that was the overcompensation. Once nominated in a weak field, maybe she deserved it in that context, but the nom was Color Purple oopsie overcorrection.

Whoopi Goldberg did: Ghost (???) SHOULD: The Color Purple