Jennifer Ford

Wow, they are right on top of that hot trend.

Sure, but there is no way she was ever getting typical admin assistant money ever during her tenure at Queen Consolidated. Oliver shifted her job as a cover but she was the company's president's assistant which tends to be a pretty high-paying gig. Before that she had a fairly important tech position.

Good thing she's actually a Vice President, then.

The 1st Austin Powers is nearly perfect, so it was a really good fucking.

OMG, this episode. Sleepy Writers? You are grounded. You need to think about what you've done and what you plan to do to make up for the mess you've just made. I Mean, good grief, people. Look at your scripts! Look at your choices!

(i'm late, but yes) It's funny that it's this album that actually made me pay attention to the group. I've listened to the old ones on Spotify and picked a few songs out that I like, but this whole album is solid, listenable, and full of personality. So they've managed to convert at least one new listener with this

Agreed, they needed to do that and they at least need to backfill that now. That would help a LOT.

The problem with that scene especially and the whole thing with Gordon and Dent was that they didn't establish their partnership well enough. We just met Harvey and then we're here and there's no groundwork for the two really working together and then having it not go as Gordon had thought they'd agreed it would. His

I actually really enjoyed this episode. I think the show is finding its rhythm. I agree that Bruce and Alfred are the Best Things Going on the show, but I think Gordon has great potential. In a way, I think him being kind of a well-intentioned disaster at this point is good groundwork for the person he becomes.

They use that excuse a lot, usually for really stupid reasons *koff*Jay Leno Variety Hour*koff*

I will never understand NBC's decision-making. At all.

We use it for pretty much anyone who works in one of the fields collectively referred to as The Arts, so, yeah. Artist. She's also a composer — like Mozart; and a singer — like Maria Callas; and a musician — like Glenn Gould; and a performer — like Idina Menzel; and even an actor — like Meryl Streep!

Yeah, that isn't my point. My point is that they've now introduced the comics-canonical Sherwood Florist location and shown it to be a somewhat gritty and roomy place which would work as a new HQ/cover for the grittier (poorer) Team Arrow. A florist's delivery truck would work well to cover them driving around in a

Okay, I've paged through a lot of comments and haven't seen anyone say anything, so I'm calling it here:

"Well, if you want to be a punk and use a gun, I guess it'll kill someone. But where's the style, man. Where's the *finesse?*"

I think the kid is the absolute best casting they did on this show which is generally very well-cast. He is totally believable as a young Bruce Wayne.

Since this got buried in an overlong reply to a reply, I'm going to repost it here by itself:

I'm not sure you quite got my meaning — I tried to be careful to say that it was what I encountered (not what existed) and what *seemed* in those encounters to be the majority. I'm sure there are vast stretches of the internet where I've been missing out on enthusiasm for my enthusiasms, but that has been my

I always feel I'm very out of step with online fandom. I adored Eleven and he's still my favorite Doctor (and I'm an old-school Whovian) but while he was quite popular generally, online fandom seemed to majority dislike his tenure and so much of the discussion I'd come across had that, "of course we all know that this

That is one fucking HELL of a viral campaign.