Jennifer Ford

This is the best PR review ever! I laughed so hard I was crying.

Well, I'm rather glad they cut the World Trade Center from the first Spider-Man movie (though the Twin Towers were featured heavily in early ads for the movie) because, yeah. No. Too soon.

Can't argue with that!

This was very much a table-setting episode. Several things in it are part of establishing stuff that happens later. I found it quite watchable and not a C+ episode at all, but then I do know where the story is going so that probably helped my enjoyment. Interesting to see the non-reader reaction to same.

Ugh, this show. THIS SHOW. So fucking great. I can't be articulate. I'm too blown away.

It's in Pretty Woman of all things (I mean, yes, she's a prostitute but that is the most family-friendly prostitute movie ever). So if it's in that (blowjob) then it's probably more common than one remembers.

The MacGuffin!

A lot of planets have a South!

I don't agree at all that the sentiment of the 2nd half is a weakness — I thought the director landed that really well just outside of the cheese line. The gang getting to friendship without all the rather boring irony and grudging tolerance that usually is what happens with ragtag groups in such films gives it an

Yay for my iPad as I was able to stream the episode using Nick app and actually watch it on my TV, but that was a lot of effort, NICKELODEON, for something I should've just been able to, y'know, watch! That's how good this show you're treating like shite is.

I really like Black Box, too, but it is really egregiously bad with the medical stuff what with the massive HIPAA violations, ethics violations, and — my favorite — the episode where not one but two medical professionals failed recognize the blazingly obvious symptoms of rabies. But it's good on the soapy drama side

*clings to this comment*

I liked the Buffy movie, too, but I like to think of it as the movie Hollywood made after hearing about the real Buffy's first adventure as the Slayer.

Never watched the cartoon (no Caesar = no me), but DAMN do I miss the comic strip.

Ergo Amy!

*falls over laughing* Oh, *fandom.*

Well, Peri married a king, so if we're going for storyline support, she probably got the most Disney-fied send-off.

Well, at least it wasn't ROSE who was so very very snowflake-special she got her very own Doctor for to keep!

On the other hand, Karen Gillan looks like a Disney Princess come to life so she could just be drawn normally and still fit right in.

I took my then 12-year-old niece to a concert about 10 years ago, and there were still a lot of lighters in the house. When she saw people waving them, she turned to me and said, "Aunt Jennifer! That is *so* dangerous!" I had to sit down, I was laughing so hard.