Jennifer Ford

Okay, but I still literally cried when Kara and Mon-El said goodbye. They better figure out how to do a Legion (of Superheroes — not the Marvel show) crossover even if that means we have to get that git Barry Allen involved.

My feeling is that there is 100% a story reason why the Blossoms are redheads. Grundy is a redheaded teen boy predator and possibly serial killer. This end isn't the end and her creeper staring at the end of the episode is going to payoff later.

He had it comin'
He had it comin'
He only had himself to blame…

I watched one episode and it was very dumb which explains its success.

Well, I was afraid that the HULU thing would be a side-effect.

Reagan got into office by being a master of the dog whistle — he exploited abortion as a social issue to distract from his divorce. He did this deliberately when even a super-conservative like John Wayne warned him not to as it would be a divisive and dangerous thing to turn into a political plank. Which it really

What is it with showrunners of superhero shows pushing pairings long past their sell-by date (I'M LOOKING AT YOU SMALLVILLE)?

He was so impressed with Stein's kidnapping skills!

Atom, Schmatom. It is very clear that no matter what they've called him on any of the DC shows, Brandon Routh is playing classic Ted Kord Blue Beetle. To the point where I have to remind myself he's supposed to be Ray Palmer. Love it.

It should only be used by Barbara Gordon, so I hope that was what they were acknowledging.

I agree it's a stretch, but I think it does make internal story sense. Mostly, it can be put down to a society with access to mass media versus a society without. Dialects can develop pretty fast without a reinforcing media (for the reverse, just see how the myriad American dialects have nearly vanished in comparison

I *love* "Hey Angel" which has a bit of an ethereal Revolver-era feel and "Olivia" could practically be a Paul McCartney ditty. I think "Perfect" is quite good, myself — the whole album is excellent — but agree its one of the weaker tracks on the album.

This was the first 12th Doctor episode I've felt was great. I liked the Maisie Williams two-parter quite a bit and have overall been heartened by the tone of this season after last year's far more cynical one, but OMG this was a fantastic episode. So Doctory and so smart and so well-acted by everyone. KUDOS and I'm so

Well, it's actually really good. Just started catching back up after losing track mid-third-season and I was really hoping Netflix would renew it for the fifth, so YAY!

The kid who plays Stiles is too good for this shit.

Wow, Ed, I just cannot imagine why David Lee Roth doesn't want to be your friend? It's a puzzler!

Ah, okay. I thought that was referring to the comic books but the TV series makes more sense. But I doubt it.

My oldest brother has the scar but by the time my middle brother and then I were vaccinated, they'd figured out how to keep it from leaving that scar. So I don't have one and would be safe to travel back to the 1700s. Yay!

All right, I LOL'd at the Thomas the Tank Engine moment of Dooooooom.

You, sir, are the last true iconoclast. Do tell us more of the shows you never miss the chance to disdain-watch!