
Yes. Roy Moore has been vehemently denying the allegations from the beginning. No way he’s innocent.

You can’t really look for a pattern in the apology or response, because abusers are smart and their PR reps are smarter.

if it were fake, I would think he would have been hitting social media and issuing statements to the press vehemently denying the allegations literal minutes after they came to light

They tried it.

The only problem with that analysis (I agree) is that the drunk uncle is currently occupying the White House.

Starred for the whistle 🤣

I think acknowledging that inevitably there will be a fake allegation somewhere in all of this in advance is important to being able to keep it from derailing all of this painful but healthy and important sunlight.

Katie Couric: “He pinches me on the ass a lot.”

Beautiful! I saw Sufjan Stevens at my college for his Carrie and Lowell tour. I was driving out of the dining hall parking lot after a shift and very quickly parked again and put out my cigarette when I saw him walking around our performing arts center! He was delightfully awkward but very nice. Its one of my favorite

It doesn’t hurt that Sufjan is very easy on the eyes, does it?! :)

Sometimes I listen to “Carrie & Lowell” but sing it to myself as “Carey Ann Lowell” so it is about the Law & Order actor. She does not actually have a middle name so it is a bit of a stretch.

This. What he did is wrong, but comparing it to Moore, or Trump or Conyers’ actions trivializes the severity of their misdeeds.

Aside from the fact this story is about assault and you barely mention the victim, we have to click on a link to understand what you’re talking about? I didn’t and I don’t.

lol this entire website is a hypocritical flaming bag of shit, Big Sean has nothing to do with his being charged with assault & I swear to God the “minor injuries” line is so tacky. We get it, she doesn’t have the physical power to whup his ass most likely, but y’all making it sound like she bopped him upside the head

Welcome to Jezebel, where domestic abuse is only serious if the victim is a woman. Sure she was arrested for battery in front of an infant, but her MALE EX IS THE REAL VILLAIN!

Rewrite this terrible article

Edit: Waiting for the incoming comments on how I’m a troll because I think domestic violence should be taken

Such good advice here.

I’m so sorry. You are loved and lovable.

You’ll get through this. The holiday season will be tough, so make sure you have a support system who knows you may need an extra hand emotionally.


I have never shopped Black Friday, and it’s unlikely I’ll start now.

I could really use some love right now. My husband just told me that he wasn’t willing to try on our marriage. We’re ending.