Wow what a shit take. Are you saying this type of shit has never happened to you, or are you saying you reported it immediately and everything went great? Cuz either way I don’t believe you.
Wow what a shit take. Are you saying this type of shit has never happened to you, or are you saying you reported it immediately and everything went great? Cuz either way I don’t believe you.
She’s an excellent action star. Not everyone has to be Meryl Streep.
Yes, blame the victim. I’ve never heard that solution before.
Harvey’s victims actually did have an underground network to warn each other. Many of the women who experienced harassment by Harvey could have experienced worse if not for the fact that they were warned by other women that Harvey had a reputation and to be careful. Try reading some first-hand accounts of victims,…
You are right, but here’s what we’re fighting:
Which makes me wonder if Weinstein had something to do with her dry spell. She was very tied up with the Miramax crew.
I like Miley. She’s crazy and doesn’t give a shit...
Actually, the raspberry and primrose right actually help, if there was enough of them. But those black beans — those of us who get digestive issues with our contractions should steer clear of that stuff, for sure! Aye Carumba!
An abomination?
Oh for... honey is sugar! So is agave “necter.” Yout might as well save your money and use some corn syrup for all the good it will do you.
We as a family have a responsibility to cousin Suzy, and it’s disappointing that I’m the only one willing to step up.
A rich woman’s ass crack? Sorry, these people bring out the worst in me.
Because the article is about celebrity news?
Why...isn’t it? They’re a celebrity power couple and her whole brand is that she’s a super chill lifestyle icon, who cooks easy, great food and is open about not being a perfect mom. They are nice and funny, and I for one, am delighted to hear this happy news in a shitstorm of ugly.
my cat is FINE she just eats too fast!!!
I’m not justifying this behavior.
All of that may be true, but the victim has forgiven him, and said that she wasn’t interested in him losing his job. She just wanted to tell her story, make a point about how even “joking around” shit can be traumatic, and said on the record that she is good.
55 year old men who do that are not neophytes. That pose spoke to his worldview, and you bet your ass it was a power trip. That photo was meant to humiliate her. Did you not read the original article and her account?
Well that’s not ideal.