
Speaking of the music industry, every time I hear that Kesha song “Praying,” I think shit, that poor girl was out there all on her own in 2014 when she accused (not) Dr. Luke of sexual assault and she had to go it alone and lost money, time and a chunk of her career. Although I am a sucker for overwrought ballads, I

Morrissey is the fucking worst.

Public service announcement:


See, I’m confused by this...I’m grey on everything except lately I’m not grey on Deadspin. Alas, I have not been followed by a staff member (that I’m aware of). I DON’T UNDERSTANDDDDDDDD.

It looks like you are! Can you ungrey me pretty please?

I have been followed and unfollowed multiple times. It is perplexing.

So chances of getting ungreyed are very slim then? I’ve been a lurker for a long time, finally commented to say thanks to all the jezzies for keeping me sane, realised over the time spent lurking that a lot of greys make really good comments and just forever languish in the greys.

You’re ungrayed! You get ungrayed when Jezebel or one of their subblogs on Jezebel follows you. If you go over to the Root or Gizmodo, then you need to be ungrayed by their editorial staff by getting “followed.” No one knows how or why they get followed in the first place.

Another open thread? What did we do to deserve this?

I don’t know any black woman that invested in Lena Dunham. Clemmon is in a very small cohort and I am glad she has seen the light and is speaking to others like her.

A lot of those women saw themselves in lena and can’t grasp that they might be racist as fuck as well.

I literally just wrote this in the Dirt Bag thread but I’ll say it again. Lena is a white feminist. Her goal is to be equal to white men. She only cares about feminist issues as they relate to her and people like her. She has no desire to understand intersectionality. I’ve always found it annoying that Lena is

I mean, to be blunt, most WOC I know divested from Dunham’s garbage-ass years ago. So yeah, we’re not surprised by her usual shitty antics. As well as the constant defense of her here on White Feminism R Us Jezebel. Thank the old gods and new for The Root.

I think it was GELLA yesterday who posted the wall of apologies Lena Dunham has had to make over the years and that plus the above account of the friend who’d use the n word “as a joke”, it gives a very clear picture of the bubble she lives in. People like that are priviledged personified. It’s very easy for me to

Good. I wish EVERYONE who claims to be feminist or progressive would sever ties. I’ll never forget the Jia Tolentino piece on Jezebel which in my very humble opinion did not go far enough at all, and the scores of commenters who were willing to give Lena pass after motherfucking pass despite example after

You are deliberately missing the point people are trying to show you.

Why would the daughter of a famous actor need to make a false sexual assault claim to extort money?

So publicly believing the accuser sways an investigation, but publicly believing the accused doesn’t?

How she acted afterwards does not denote whether or not it happened and is not itself proof.