I wish they’d look at sexual harassment, abuse and rape in countries in the Middle East, South and South-East Asia where modesty for women is upheld as a virtue.
I wish they’d look at sexual harassment, abuse and rape in countries in the Middle East, South and South-East Asia where modesty for women is upheld as a virtue.
I don’t think you’re an asshole. You’d only be an a-hole if you continued to insist that this isn’t a big deal after someone directly affected by this tells you that is and why it is. We all have our blind spots.
For the past year, true dat. I shudder when I think about how we must look to the rest of the world right now. Dumpster fire almost captures the essence of America in 2017.
Ruth seems to have appointed herself as the official mouthpiece for ALL ASIANS some reason, so she may be okay with what is essentially yellowface, but most Asians aren’t going to be. And no, China’s issues with racism don’t somehow make what Gigi did okay either. Think about it this way: would it be okay if she…
Save the condescension, I am also Asian, and I am well aware that Asians aren’t monoliths, so don’t appoint yourself as our official spokesperson either. Thanks for playing, but do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
I am that race (and Buddhist to boot...whcih kind of rankles my Shinto extended family...that’s another discussion).
Just letting you be aware that you are saying this to an Asian person. ;)
Or you could stop being an insensitive prick about why someone might be offended about having their racial features mocked by someone who embodies the white standard of beauty. It costs you absolutely nothing.
Do you really need to be Asian to understand why mocking someone’s features (that they have little control over) is a bad thing? And Buddha is also the deity figure of Buddhism, which makes this doubly insulting.
I have the answer. Everyone needs to stop being offended by every little thing.
I’m sorry, but does the country of China not count? They’re Asian and they’ve banned her- is it ok to be offended now?
I’m not Asian but I think the issue to the Chinese government was that she was mocking Buddha, not that she was mocking Asian people.
I’m not Asian so I don’t really have a say in this, but it seems so childish and stupid to make “Asian eyes.” Like, she is technically an adult, she should probably know better than to do that because it makes her look like an asshole. Is it ban her from China forever bad? I would say no.
What Gigi did was stupid but I think she was trying to look like Buddha.... not so much mocking but mimicking (asians) it was absolutely stupid of her but I think it’s one of those situations where she truly meant no harm but it offended a lot of people (which I understand).
Mine was definitely hormonal. It went away when I was pregnant/breastfeeding and came back the minute I got my period back. I’ve read that dairy products contain hormone molecules that may exert an effect on acne in sensitive individuals (yes, they are cow hormones, but they can affect the human body, just as the…
I agree with all of this! I used to have monthly chin breakouts until I gave up dairy. No dairy = clear skin for me, but I know that just pertains to me and my own body.
It can be really hard to distinguish food poisoning from a GI virus, and if your immune system aint so good and/or your gut flora isn’t very good, bouts of either can be common. I used to have a terrible immune system due to unmanaged insomnia and I got sick (GI or respiratory) about 6 times a year give or take. Now…
I've also had very good luck with zinc pills.
Pee-drinkers hate her!