
ME too buddy. Fuck em

I never usually encourage long walks on short piers, but newjew is an ideal candidate for that expression.

Well since we’re discussing reality, let’s talk about what happens to victims when they come forward. Are they believed? No. They are blamed.

Or better yet, think of how many victims could have been spared if said offenders didn’t assault/rape people.

I’m sure she’s a great gal.

How and why? And is it any good? I am fresh out of things to watch/read and I’m feeling a little sad about that.

I hate the way my mouth feels while saying Seth. If my tongue has to come out of my mouth to say your name, nope. Fuck me seth!!

Ditto, only add “chuck” and “Seth” to the list.

Heyyyy lol

Then perhaps we shouldn’t be wheelin’ Grampy out to social events where he may sexually assault someone, or better yet, give a bitch a heads up before she goes and stands next to him.

Don’t mind him, just a poor soul who thinks he’s funny

Unwanted touch=sexual assault. A vagina, an ass, tits, thigh. Does not matter.

Starred this in hopes you’re joking

Oh yeah, I meant that part sarcastically

The amount of confused old men who have groped me or made inappropriate comments, too many. You may be old but that does not give you a free pass.

How about please learn how to fucking keep your hands to yourself

Lol me too

Missing the point. Queen wants Hollywood to change Lara croft completely, by hiring a buff looking woman who doesn’t need training.