
As a Jew, I’m torn. On one hand, I had no family members die in the Holocaust (I’m a convert), so I really should just keep my effing mouth shut. On the other, I’ve shared many conversations with relatives of survivors and victims both, and with my own rabbi. Many of them have expressed that they have no interest or

It’s totally cool, they never lead with that part. I didn’t know either. It’s being widely reported now.

I always tell myself over & over that, if anything goes wrong, immediately request a lawyer (because that’s what every lawyer I’ve met has told me), but to be tod flat-out that you’re lying... I don’t know how well I could handle that.

Goddamned, this is more fascinating that the Gone Girl novel.

I doubt it's even about that. The idea of having a wife that is more successful than him probably pisses him off. The kid is likely just a pawn.

I think it’s interesting that it’s a culture that requires a man’s sign-off for his wife to leave the country and yet she still has the power to—and feels safe enough to—go to the papers and complain about him. Like . . . that’s a legitimately fascinating dynamic.

Yeah, that’s what I got out of it, too. Someone doesn’t put vodka in a baby’s water bottle unless they’re pulling a fast one. And someone definitely doesn’t physically violate the mother over something like this, unless they’re a raging alcoholic.

It is a common trick by alcoholics when they drink in front of people who know they have a drinking problem. Because apparently they think you won’t notice them going from sober to drunk.

Your preferred porn doesn’t include tumors? That’s weird.

Can you imagine the nuclear-level shitfit some conservatives would have if a liberal clerk refused to issue someone a gun licence because they didn’t like firearms? They’d be furious, and you know, rightly so. People have a right to expect public officials to follow the law, even if they don’t agree with it. If you

When I go running, I fart. A lot. Normally I am running by myself so I just let them rip without shame, or until I am at least far enough away from the person running past me to claim a smelt it dealt it situation. So one night I had gone for a 5 mile jog at this park near my house (shout out to Green Lake) and I

“I turned it off after two minutes.” That. . .that’s not something you should tell strangers, sir. Save that conversation for your primary care physician. o_O

“You wouldn’t accept a history class not being historically accurate”

God, that last one is like a Monty Python sketch. It’s ex-ice cream! It’s ice cream pining for the fjords!

Just sent:

Everyone please email or call your senators today. It might not change their vote today (I’m looking at you Pat Toomey, ugh) but they need to know that their constituents don’t support them in this. Generally details of your letters or calls don’t make it to the representatives, but there is a staff person tallying up

Team Eva all day.

Is it wrong that when I read this I pictured the back peddling statement going as so...

I knew this guy was going to be a problem when I first spotted him in the terminal. He was wearing a black tank top tucked into his cargo shorts, had his hair pulled into the weakest “grasping at the mane of yesteryear” white ponytail, and a shit-eating grin when he sat down to eat a loaded hot dog. SO OF COURSE, when