That might be a long hold, Taylor is hanging with ladies right now.
That might be a long hold, Taylor is hanging with ladies right now.
Is Tim Tebow still a virgin?
I'm just picturing him coming to America, showing up in the nearest restaurant, weeping copiously as he eats basket after basket of bread. Finally, he's eaten enough to rupture his stomach, and he turns to the server who is trying to comfort him in his last moments and says, "I ate all the bread. I. Ate. All. The.…
According to the complaint call, they were fucking in his car on a public street in broad daylight with the door open. This isn't police overreach, this is Celebrity Special Snowflakedom at its grossest level.
Would you feel the same way about walking past a car where a guy was jerking off? Does his private world inside his car supersede your right not to be exposed to his masturbation? Or are you just being nosy?
I just kind of wish that instead of it being signed, it was a paw print.
I understand that with age there can be a decline in cognitive ability, critical thinking. But I wonder what kind of scams there will be when I am in my 70s/80s. Being exposed to these seemingly obvious scams now hopefully makes us immune to similar scams in the future. But someone out there is going to try shit, so I…
"Someday my prince will cum."
So I just find a photo of an adorable cat and I'm given it's exact location? This will be a new shopping experience for me, but I'm willing to give it a shot. I've been wanting a second cat.
You can't spell "Miles" without "lies."
After the Royals cover, I looked this guy up to see what else he did and under his name Big Mike Geier, he did a great Elvis Review (the In the Ghetto is great) and he covers Hallelujah below). I'd check them out and for those scared of clowns, he does them out of make up.
As a long term reader of Jezebel, a below the liner, and a member of the technical crew of Midnight Rider, fuck you and your headline.
As someone who sells engagement rings, this is what I tell all my clients: Do what is right for yourselves. Don't worry about what society/family/friends tells you is ok, or not ok.