Very Hungry Jennibeth-erpillar

I'm going to work. Because it's the most wonderfulest time of the year, folks! Luckily my job is awesome, like my co-workers. So it should be ok.

Mmmmmm chicken fried steak.

<3 <3 <3 Maccas. (Not the restaurant, just calling it "Maccas".

After living there for nearly a year I honestly cannot NOT call it "Maccas". Like, it takes actual effort on my part to call it McDonald's. On the other hand, I almost never go there so it's not a really big issue for me. I also enjoy calling my sweatshirts "jumpers" and my counter tops "benches". Ah, Australia. =)

Thank you. It should be ok, I've been told it hasn't been that busy at work so fingers crossed I survive. I work in a bookstore so while I don't have to fold or pick up hangers or crap like that, I do have to make sure people who come in this weekend can find the books they're looking for, which means cleaning up

I love her. Hope restored for humanity today. Now I have the strength to go clean up the mess from Black Friday shoppers at my retail job. THANK YOU!

You know what I realized did not make it to my plate today? Cranberry sauce. The jelly kind, because mmmm…

Well that was beyond epic.


That is disgusting and terrifying and my heart and thoughts go out to Schwartz and his girlfriend. I hope they find the horrible excuse for a human being that did this and they lock him up.

I need them to bake my #FeministBrownies, give me MOAR!

OH MY GOD EVERYTHING WAS FINE UNTIL DENIZ. WTF, Deniz?? Do you think editors just scope Yelp out looking for writers? Are you trying to break into the notoriously difficult unpaid review writing business?


Made my whole day. Life is now complete. I know this has been said a gazillion times, but YAY for you guys joining the Jez team. =)

Maybe the poor kitty was just making music. WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE???

Well, Diet PEPSI tastes better. Nothing tastes better than actual, real Coke. Mmmmm Coke.

This just makes me really, really sad about my impending move to Australia and the horrific and depressing lack of Mexican food there. I've been to many a grocery store, and I have yet to come across black beans in any form. I don't know how I'll make tamales. Forget chile verde. I think I can probably make some form

I went to a party when I was in NZ and it was a huge deal, the family got a lamb and had it butchered and then BBQ'd for the event, and STILL, even though it was New Zealand lamb, even though it was fresh as hell, even though I could TELL it was probably the nicest-cooked lamb I will ever consume, I hated it. I could

Feel better, Burt! Try hot tea with those vodka-soaked Cheetos.

Ahhhh I love it when that question comes up!!!!! It makes me feel like An Old. =D