My husband describes the whole two hour experience as if the entire staff had never been inside of a restaurant before and had no idea how typical restaurant experiences were supposed to work. Or drugs.
But there was a "scrubby looking" white dude panhandling at the entrance to the restaurant and he was not tossed out.
"Destroying a waitress's life". Hyperbole X 100 dontcha think? Why all the profanity?
Okay, but that wasn't my question. Would it also bother you if it were a direct remake starring DIFFERENT men?ETA: for any value of "bother" that you like. Would you be less likely to want to see a direct remake starring women than a direct remake starring men (assuming the actors cast in each movie were actors you…
Breaking: You can be a female woman-hater.
I'm perfectly calm, thanks.
If it's just a movie, what exactly are you upset about? I mean, do you literally get upset at every single movie that is made that you don't personally want to watch?
I think that stuff can change. I was friends with my husband for years before I noticed anything physically attractive about him. It was a very weird and sudden realization. As to how much time you give it, I don't know.
I think they make all their money on forty dollar pancake gift baskets.
"By innovation, I assume they mean throwback."
I have so much trouble finding skinny jeans that fit well but they are definitely the best jeans to tuck into boots which is why I want to always have at least a couple pairs around.
To me "skinny jeans" is synonymous with "sawing me slowly in half" so bring on the dressy sweats.
I agree!! i have thick thighs and a big butt. Skinny jeans make my legs look like chicken wings. Gimme some low cut 70's flares!
I agree. I don't understand all the love for skinny jeans in this thread. They only really look good on tall women with smaller hips and thin legs. That body type is anamolous. I'm a tall, thin woman with slim legs but my hips give me the dreaded ice cream cone shape when I wear skinny jeans.
Thank you sweet prince or princess. I've seen way too many people of different body types look all kinds of bad in skinny jeans.
i'm in the same boat. My thighs aren't even bigger than my hips, but I still look terrible in these jeans.
THANK YOU. Reading these comments made me feel like I was taking crazy pills! I even like super wide-leg flowy palazzo pants over skinny anything. Fuck. That. Noise.
I dunno- skinny jeans don't look great on people who don't have shapely legs, whether you're thin, fat, or in-between.
I'm going to express an unpopular opinion here, but skinny jeans do NOT work on everybody. If you're like me, and have thighs that are wider than your hips, the only thing that skinny jeans do is highlight that shit. In my experience, skinny jeans are the WORST. Give me straight-leg any day!