
Look yo, like this movie or hate this movie, whatever. But can we please stop acting like having money makes you immune to boredom or loneliness or any other type of problems? It's not true, and it's harmful.

Because ruining another person's property because you are angry at your boyfriend is totally OK because fat people aren't really people.

Jesus christ, he used the top 8? I'm sorry. So much worse than a text.

I'm sorry to laugh, because fuck that guy and I hope he burns in hell, but "it's your fault I cheated on you because you're not into motocross" is classic.

I dated a guy who was surprised by my accidental fart during the honeymoon period where you pretend your lips always look that shade of pink and your skin is always poreless upon waking. He was so flummoxed I legit asked him if he thought angels carried my gasses away in little silk bags scented with the dew of a

I would probably shit my pants if I see him again. Then I'd throw the poop stained pants at him and waddle-run away. I moved halfway across the country and changed my name to be rid of him. He didn't take too kindly to me breaking up with him due to his wandering dick.

Ladies, if he won't "allow" you to fart or burp

I was 21 and had suspected my then boyfriend was messing around with this chick anne. She'd been getting really annoying, crawling all over him that fall and wanting to have important, urgent, emotional talks at all times because my boyfriend was such a good friend.

Okay, this isn't technically a "cheater" story because we were not exclusive—but it is some lying bullshit, shit-to-the-bull:

You do realize that people that listen to R&B and urban radio. NON OREO's actually did know who he was.

Does Pharrell ever work his Captain Save-A-Ho routine on any artist twice? I can't think of one.

I couldn't make it all the way through the song.

Let's get real: Homeboy was a C-list crooner until he (or his record company) paid Pharrell some un-godly amount of money to produce and write or co-write the entire "Blurred Lines" album. Basically doing what a few other "Just about to be dropped" artists have done using Pharrell's services. He is very reliable

This is fucking genius. Remove this post before someone steals the millions of dollars that belong to you.

The guy from the Universal Society of Hinduism explained that it's all about placement:

Hey, maybe if the history of white people wasn't taught as a core class in all American schools, there would be room to teach other race's history as a non-elective so kids can grow up knowing anyone can be a dick.

It would be so very useful if airline articles also included big international airlines (Turkish, British, Emirates, Wizz, etc.)

I WISH all articles like these reminded travelers with disabilities that the Air Carrier Access Act exists, and there are certain fees that the airlines are not allowed to charge. For example, most mobility impaired folks are entitled to a seat as close to the front of the plane as possible, and an aisle seat if one

And some people wonder why Southwest is one of the most popular and profitable airlines? Low fares, low fees, choose your own seat at boarding, etc. It feels like one of the last airlines where you pay your fare, show up, get on, and fly with as few hassles as possible. I know that's why I choose to fly southwest when

because men *TOTALLY* listen to women when we're nice and polite and graceful.....

Says the woman who sits where she sits because of feminists before her.