She raped him a couple of episodes ago but he’s the piece of shit? Please explain your rationale for this, I’d love to hear it.
She raped him a couple of episodes ago but he’s the piece of shit? Please explain your rationale for this, I’d love to hear it.
June wanted Fred to know the terror she had felt when she and Luke were first hunted down and Hannah was taken.
It was quite a twist, in that the viewer thinks that subjecting Fred to Gilead justice (when he has been dishing on Gilead to save his own hide, and the other Commanders know it) will be justice served. Even…
That’s a bit harsh. The 22 were women who had risked their lives for the Resistance and been caught and imprisoned, and were therefore political prisoners. But, under Gilead’s laws, Janine and Hannah are not prisoners, so they couldn’t be part of a prisoner exchange.
Agreed. June looked up to the window at Moira and Luke and their bond in caring for Nichole, and she knew that Nichole would be safe and loved.
It’s almost like the universe is entirely built by Atwood to be a display of how patriarchy doesn’t work and isn’t really meant to be taken literally or something and the part where men abuse their position of lordship over women is probably the only realistic aspect of it.
I see what you did there.
I’ve rationalized that June knew that prying a handmaid away from Aunt Lydia would be a lot harder than freeing a bunch of ex-Marthas who were probably officially non-persons at that point anyway, but yeah it would have been nice if she’d at least been mentioned.
oooooooh boy. Ok. Here goes.
There is nothing to be gained from failing to call the ceremony rape. I think you misunderstood the book. Atwood was not writing about the lengths civilization will go to save itself from a fertility crisis. She was writing about the very real risks of overy patriarchy using any crisis to reassert itself. The…
If Offred isn’t a willing participant to the sex, it’s rape.
Definitely not a fan of having my name be synonymous with a sex act - dudes can say really creepy shit when you introduce yourself!
The PRC would be complete morons to attack Taiwan. Taiwan is still one of the largest investors in China; attacking it would cause major economic damage to mainland China.
“Relatively” being the operative word.
Great news. Anyone interested in learning more about gay rights in Taiwan should check out Jenna Cody’s blog Lao Ren Cha. Here’s her response to the ruling.
Counter-point: Kristen McNemany (hit the big leagues at 28), Carmen Sant’Orazio (still working like crazy in her 60's), and literally thousands of women who aren’t famous names but who bring home serious fucking bank well into their late 30's/early 40's. Especially if they can transition from fashion to a more…
I concur. I grew up in a family where my father stayed home, and shockingly enough, he did all the cleaning and chores, and took care of us. My father is awesome.
With the entrenched bureaucracy, I’m guessing it’s going to be like having the type of idiot boss who’s constantly telling you to do utterly pointless things and then forgets about it the next week, so you just never bother doing the stupid things he tells you to do.
This is not a surprise. This is the save-the-world-idealism stage of Harvard privilege. Most students won’t be knowingly exploiting the working class for another few years yet.
“Harvard is the richest university in the nation, with a $35 billion endowment,”