
Isn’t it called The Hammaconda?

“Jon Hamm’s penis is about the size of an obese hamster.”

Keep this shit coming. It’s the only thing that keeps me from wanting to burn this whole place to the ground.

I guess I’m the only one who would have left? I’m sorry, but if you think me wanting equal rights & pay for my daughters is “man-hating” then I have better things to do with my afternoon.

I saw the ad. If it was me? I would have left the anti trans bigot at the bar by himself. I am not sitting down and smiling with a guy that thinks I shouldn’t exist. I don’t have to pander to some bigots feelings either.

YES that false equivalent shit. Drove me bananas after the election -- maybe we need to sit and listen to trump supporters, find out what they’re feeling and what they’re really angry about. BITCHES VOTED FOR A RACIST I THINK I KNOW WHAT THEY’RE FEELING JUST FINE.

Where are all the dudes who have never read the book, or heard about Margaret Atwood before this week, to tell me what to think of the show?

So, how long before they replace him with an equally evil piece of shit?

Why should you be surprised that he doesn’t use protection? The guy has never played defense once in his life. /deadspin’ed

I’m reading a website filled with celebrity gossip and sex and fashion in a country where the president is a rapist. It’s not clear where you’re writing from, but it’s pretty likely that it’s a lousy place to be a woman as well. Middle Eastern women are capable of navigating these choices themselves, just as we are. 

Well, at least he remembered how big the cake was. The devil is in the details, you know?

Yeah, it’s real tragic that the Fearless Girl has compromised the artistic integrity of your statue, dude.

About fifteen years ago, I had the opportunity to spend the day on the set of Law & Order. I had lunch with Sam Waterston and then got to hang around and watch a taping. It was one of the best days of my life.

I just watched the ad finally. I want to know more about the cello guy. Specifically, where he got that pepsi-themed cello case and how much money did he drop to have the exposed brick in loft painted the same color and why?

Bobby, though I would miss you terribly if you ever left Jezebel, I think you have found your true calling, writing the scripts for the “reality” show known as KUWTK.

All of these exist with the sole purpose of being featured in instagram photoshoots.

Skarsgard is gonna sweep all the emmys! Well, his penis is. It gave a truly powerful performance Sunday night.

Hottest Disney male of all time (2nd is Tramp).

“Aren’t I terrible,” she said, “for causing grief to someone who has done so much to please me? Is it his fault that he’s ugly and lacks intelligence? He is kind. That’s worth more than anything else. Why haven’t I wanted to marry him? I would be more happy with him than my sisters are with their husbands. It is