
Rep. John Lewis is a a gem, a beautiful angel-man, a national treasure whose ongoing commitment to justice and sacrifices for this nation we will never remotely deserve.

This...reads like any e-mail I’ve ever gotten about changes at the higher levels of my company.

His robot butler confirmed he’s doing okay.

Has this Wenner kid been bitten by a radioactive Sean Spicer?

But the rich guy is alright, right? He’ll be okay? Please god, tell us he’ll pull through this.

he looks like an even shittier, more stoned version of John Mayer

My heart just grew three sizes.

I’m sorry that tweet is hilarious.

Star for the (Woohoo).

Sean Spicer always looks like his schedule consists of:

It’s all the cinnamon gum that’s backed up into his eye sockets. That’s what that is.

This might dox me, but my sister-in-law found out my nephew was sneaking out of bed during his naps to sit quietly in the dining room while my brother watched adult (that is, R-rated and/or thematically not appropriate for three-year-olds) movies in the living room when she told the kid to do something, and he replied

Dax Shepard accidentally taught his baby to say “fuck” but he’s proud because she’s “nailed the syntax.”

God I cant wait to get out of Kansas.

So, we’re all making donations in this fool’s name now, right?

I feel all sorts of sad for these closeted kids, of course, but I also love this story. It’s important to be able to look back on heteronormative institutions and see the queer reality beneath the surface. It helps to destroy the myth that things were “better” and “normal” [again, read: heteronormative] in the “good

This makes up for Paul Ryan , Ron Johnson and Scott Walker right? We’re all good now, m’kay?

More cheese-oriented journalism please.

Top three spots all from Wisconsin? That’s quite the fromage-et-trois...

Sure, 50 judges from 18 states, but 33 of them are from Wisconsin, and the other 17 are in the pocket of Wisconsin Big Cheese. And Russia hacked the election on behalf of Scott Walker anyway.