Garters?! Too fancy for a Real American like Donald.
Garters?! Too fancy for a Real American like Donald.
What’s really weird about that is that he doesn’t even need it; there’s at least three inches of the narrow half sticking through the loop. What’s even weirder is that he doesn’t know how to roll the tape inside out so he could stick it to the back of the narrow part instead if he simply must use tape.
i’ve started writing 4 different comments here, but none of them seemed worthy or enough.
Yikes. Not so good, there. Of course, this may be colored by my general dislike of Josh Gad (there’s just something about that guy), but if this is Disney’s idea of “subtle and delicious,” then yeah, yikes.
No one one is gay like Gaston,
No one is fey like Gaston,
No one can gather the hairy bears like Gaston.
is that really homosexual, though? As opposed to ....idk, appliance-sexual?
based on the news coverage above, their defense was that they were driving around as part of a fundraiser, they had POC’s in their caravan, and that people in the party approached them.
See also: total bullshit.
Wait. That was their defense? That they weren’t the ones who threatened the partygoers? Man, fuck y’all. You rolled up six or seven cars deep into a mostly African-American neighborhood with Confederate flags flying from every single vehicle. You purposely went out looking for a fucking conflict, and when you noticed…
“I would never ...” = “I didn’t realize there would be consequences for my actions.” Which is why we are seeing an uptick in racist and anti-Semitic acts; people are getting the message that they can get away with it.
Oh so he was just method acting his way into sexual assault, okay. That makes it fine, he’s just really, really professional.
Honestly, I really dig that haircut on dudes. *hides under desk*
“see we got rid of this guy so when we continue the school to prison pipeline you can’t possibly think it’s because of racism.”
The American right spent 40 years courting and nurturing hate and divisiveness and now their next gen stars are scaring even them. It’s rather entertaining to watch Republicans now, like alligators eating their own spawn.
“Donald Trump makes Mexicans not important to people who are in Arkansas who like Mexicans, like me and my grandma and all my family,” Toby Smith, age 7, told Cotton to loud cheers from the packed auditorium. “And he’s deleting all the parks and PBS kids just to make a wall. He shouldn’t do that. He shouldn’t.”
How can someone this stupid understand the complexity of an NFL offense?