
That's the thing: I neither need nor want everyone to agree with me. My opinions are not correct even if I make jokes that imply that they are. But man, people get ANGRY about this shit. That's so, so bizarre to me.

What the fuck. That's not even a question, just a statement. I'm so, so sorry.

See, I think this article kind of touches on what bothers me about this "trend", but from a slightly different angle. It is sort of like these people have the luxury of getting rid of their stuff because deep down they know that if they ever truly need a thing they got rid of, they can jut buy it again. Or they can

My sister had to stop trying to breast feed because my nephew couldn't latch on and it was interfering with their bonding. I hate these posters. Fuck people who shame mothers!

SLEEVES! I love it just for this. I fully support the overthrow of the tyranny of the strapless wedding gown!

Exactly. I'm not celiac but I have an allergist-approved sensitivity/intolerance. I don't see anyone arguing with lactose intolerant people about their problem. Stop trashing it just because it's popular you jerks

I can't WAIT to read Tara's biography!

Personally I just love the fact that a movie about giant robots beating up giant Godzilla monsters gave us a term/context to discuss these things.

Heaps of people have pointed this out, but I think it's important to respond to questions about this to clear up confusion; the full footage from the security camera's show the mother races over to the neighbor's and runs back full pelt to her son when she's alerted them; she's still calling out over her shoulder as

I'm not surprised that people don't know what a healthy body looks like. I doubt she's outside of the normal weight range, she's just not tight and taut anymore. She looks happy.

I've had cats like this. Some cats can become quite attached to children and can get very protective of their babies. Also, cats are territorial as fuck and lose their shit if another animal wanders into their territory. I have personlly witnessed my previous cat march straight up to a german shepard and smack it in

I hate those types of dog owners so so much. They will totally take up the defensive if you ask them to use a leash, too.

"We went from Brandenburg Concerto to this." I love this kid. OrchestraNerds4Lyfe.

It is strange - to make children pledge their loyalty under threat. Sounds downright North Korean to me. I effing hate the thing. And don't get me started on that Under God nonsense.

I'm really sorry you had no joy in your life in regards to Harry Potter. I read the first book when I was 9, grew up with the characters, and at 25, I still actively love the series and can talk about it (and what it taught me and the non-canon aspects of the story) for hours. I bonded with friends in high school over

its an outfit i would probably wear 24/7 if i had that hiny.

yeah — all this 'well, it wasn't the best example to use because she had unprotected sex' is getting a little too close to 'well, some women deserve to have abortions because XYZ, but other women ...' for my tastes.

Well let me get this party started: I don't give a good goddamn if a woman gets an abortion because she can't find maternity clothes to match the color of her car. If a woman doesn't want a child, I don't want her to a have a child. And if you don't have a uterus, "Shut your fucking face, it's none of your business

You will never risk your lifd to carry a pregnancy to term and then give birth. You get to have the convenience of having a child without the personal risk. Pregnancy complications and childbirth still kill a lot of women and personally, I'm not willing to knowingly risk my life for something I don't even want. I'm