
If you need some serious fat shaming go to YouTube and look up "I hate fat people Low Carb Cory". I looked it up hoping it'd "inspire me". It didn't. It's REALLY disgusting but it'll make you hate yourself for being fat. Personally, I function better when I feel good about myself enough to feel worthy of being taken

1) "irregardless" isn't a word.

I was saying that it is much easier for a very young person with most likely a genetic background which is much more likely to tend toward slimness to lose 100 lbs (not to mention being in a culture which pretty much demands it - whether that's a good thing or not is another discussion) than for someone with very

Wait are you actually proposing people literally starve themselves?

Because everyone has the body type and situation of a teenage Asian girl.

I am really happy for her but this story seems like it will just encourage fat shamers and concern trollers.

Donut sticks MUST be dunked in coffee or tea - there's even a cup of coffee on the box!