I don’t disagree, but I think I’d make a spouse exception. Especially for Michelle.
I don’t disagree, but I think I’d make a spouse exception. Especially for Michelle.
You should have left them in the grays.
I read an article yesterday that the GOP leadership is losing its collective shit at the idea of a Trump nomination. They all openly said it would not only hand the presidency to to the Dems, but the Congress as well.
Well as others have pointed out, it’s because the industry absolutely requires women.
You’d think David Boreanaz was used to dealing with bloodsuckers.
Shhh, he’s too busy being an oppressed man.
No, the interview process I understand. The blatant whining, and backpedaling from your original assertion is what confuses me. But, I’m not really that skilled at mixing passive-aggressive arguments with attempts at intellectual superiority. Is that a minor in Engineering School?
Of course i believe she ultimately got the job on her own merit.
Did you ever consider that the reason Heather got a call back and you didn’t is that you’re a self-absorbed myopic prick who’s so enamored of his own bullshit that he doesn’t realize how ridiculous he sounds?
I’m replying to you with the assumption that your intent was to describe your situation and opinion with no other agenda. I know a lot of people like you, and most seem genuinely well-intentioned. It has taken me a lot of miles on the odometer to get to where I am on this today, and I know enough to realize that what…
This. It also bugs me when women are referred to as ‘females’ along with ‘girls’.
Very frustrating that the second I saw this headline, I knew that there would be an onslaught of #notallmen and “Actually...” comments. At least this is on Lifehacker and not Gizmodo or Kotaku where the shrill emotional hysteria of men on the Internet reaches fever pitch.
I think you are probably right about that. I have a teenaged daughter who is interested in pursuing tech / engineering. It doesn’t bother her that she’s one of the only girls on the robotics team and the few others are doing the marketing and outreach part of the competition. When she heard that few girls take AP…
Gonna add that to my “cons” column...
I don’t even care what the topic is, you win this week’s pissing contest.
You’re my hero!
After my ex and I broke up years ago, I started buying perfume again because he was allergic. Then two years later he emailed me and was like “I left some shit at your place, can I get it back? And also, I guess we can talk if you want.” I totally loled at my desk. Like dude, I’ve buying perfume and fucking hot dudes,…
A 3x5 face on an 8x10 head.