
My city’s Pride festival is tomorrow and I'm sure this means the protestors will have their panties in an even tighter wad. Got to admit that I'm rather enjoying the timing.

Holy crap.

Nope. I’m happy dancing in my chair.

Are you kidding it? I’m LOVING it. Fox News comments right now are more fun pages full of captioned cats. Look at some of these gems!

is it just me, or does that snippet of Thomas’ dissent kind of read like he’s in favor of slavery and internment camps?

I’ve changed my panties like 13 times reading Scalia’s dissent

You need new people. I’ve spent the last hour liking all the “FUCK YEAH RAINBOWS” posts.

Stop, please...I can only get so erect.

Your mom is a badass! I only ever see it around here on dumbass redneck trucks and the occasionally car. NOBODY flies it on an actual pole, much less compares it to the state or national flag. Other bigger cities in the state, yeah, but not in my little neck of the woods. I love it because I can roll my eyes and

This is a very impressive collection of crazy-person gifs.

This is usually about the point where I stop watching The Bachelor or Bachelorette. I only like it at the beginning when you have all the crazies (see the guy who wore a mask during his tenure, also Yoga Tony from this season) and the ridiculous drama (see this season’s ambiguously gay duo) but then I get bored when

I can’t wait for the Bachelorette where the woman just plows through all the guys in like one night. My kind of lady.

I was partial to rainbows coming out of clouds, ending in pots of gold. It was my specialty. That and Ariel, but with no hands because hands are hard.

The hottest nightclub in town is... HELL. It has everything: Saddam Hussein, KY super soakers, third leg warmers....

Road trip to South Carolina to fucking shimmy up that flag pole to shit on that fucking flag and then fucking burn it and then fucking throw it in that dumb fucking Governor’s face.

Nope the sidekick is 25% Indian and rumored to be played by Emma Stone.

This is particularly interesting because Priapus more or less is his penis in terms of symbolism, so it is odd that he would have a problem with fertility. I think it is possible that the phimosis is more symbolic than anything else.

JK Rowling could’ve had more control but she just let it go. Her only real “demands” were not to change the central plot and film in Britain with an entirely British cast. The books are good though, so obviously who would want to change anything too signficant? She pretty much relinquished control because she liked