Yeah, no shit. Here’s a real quick way to tell bullshit: If anyone - anyone anywhere in any context for any reason - hides behind “BUT THE POOR STRAIGHT MEN”, everything they’ve said is a lie.
Yeah, no shit. Here’s a real quick way to tell bullshit: If anyone - anyone anywhere in any context for any reason - hides behind “BUT THE POOR STRAIGHT MEN”, everything they’ve said is a lie.
i work in a male centric field and have stood in the parking lot many hours just chitchatting with “ the guys” after work —-who I knew would later claim they were late because they were busy saving a life and could not get off on time . Their wives and children went ahead and ate supper without them . I have no doubt…
I have a friend who has a great story of being young and dumb deeeeeep in Brooklyn back when people paid their rent in cash to the large Italian man who came around to collect it from the everyone in the neighborhood every month. She lived above an obvious mob front, the store only sold pencils and erasers and had a…
Ok. Charles is toast. Elizabeth should just anoint prince creepy the philanderer right now. Or Charlotte. England needs a baby queen 👸🏻
I’m not weeping openly in my office, you’re weeping openly in your office!!!!!
I’m not crying,,,,, you’re crying!
Yeah, the classic voice is Sterling.
A voice of Winnie the Pooh. Not the voice. If anyone gets the honor of the definite article, it’s Sterling Holloway.
yup. Make them get private liability insurance and watch the misconduct rate plummet.
You’re telling me a show run by old white guys who let let numerous men get away with abusive behavior for years tried to sap the personality out of the most famous beloved person on the planet, a person who happens to be a black woman? I’m shocked. The most shocking development of my very very tired life.
we’re neighbors - and for about 5 square miles around us there are signs on every corner about this dog and a reward for his return...he spared no expense to get this dog back, and i’m glad he did.
It’s a shame Shatner is such a monstrous CHUD now.
But I guess he was then, too.
Talking, laughing, loving, breathing
Fighting, fucking, crying, drinking
Riding, winning, losing, cheating
Kissing, thinking, dreaming
My response is the same as when I realize that all the houses on Fixer Upper sell for basically pocket lint because they’re in Waco: Nah, thanks. I’ll stay in my 1200 sqft 2 bed, 1.5 bath in California. Why would I want to live in Mouse Mouth, Florida?
64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.
“Mummy, you’ve destroyed my life! I shan’t speak to you ever again! Now....give me this week’s sack of money immediately!”
Hahahaha!! I think maybe YOU need to look it up. Have a nice day, brainiac.
Chicagoan here. It’s been obvious that Lori was going to win for a while, but wow those margins aren’t what I expected. Someone asked Lori before the first round of elections if she would consider dropping out and supporting Preckwinkle, considering her “electability”. Lightfoot responded with something like…
I don’t know how to explain to people that I’m not an issue: I’m a person. The Atlantic goes out of their way to play this edgelord both-sides game, and I’m more than done with it. I have to fight court battles over bathrooms; do you think I really want to read what some uninformed, empathy-bankrupt hack thinks of my…
Julia Stiles was so very good in this movie. She was also way underutilized in the Bourne franchise.