
Its shit I've grown up my whole life hearing and I'm 32. I had a French children's book in my school from before the 80's that just casually states "hey by 2050 we will all live In domes cus we will have destroyed the environment." That's rich now, there ain't gunna be dome money.

After seeing Robert Sheehan in The Umbrella Academy, I now recommend that any “well this would be perfect for Johnny Depp” roles go to him. He seems to have grown even more as an actor and currently is like younger, prettier Depp without the baggage (currently, I never put too much faith in public figures these days

well, she did flat out state that she built her taste on “whatever the cool kids thought was popular” and thats kind of the definition of shallow.

Right. I admire my younger self so much for finding what she needed in the music of Eminem, Hawthorne Heights, and Lil Bow Wow. I look back at those obsessions fondly even if the music doesn’t serve me in the same way now.

Yes. And also - the music stand the test of time, I don’t know what she is talking about! It is visceral, raw, yet channeled -cutting and artful and full of courage.

Joe Posnanski started the whole thing by talking about the Olive Garden review in North Dakota, the one that everyone and their brother snarked on because “lol flyover country grandma thinks olive garden is good haha” but it was just so pure and joyful, and then segued into the story about the Disney World parade.

Seriously! Maybe now all she listens to is ‘Baby Shark’, but do NOT put down a great album by a great female artist from a great time period.

I genuinely think that this one in particular exists so that kids are well-verse in Dumbo. The cartoon isn’t go to family entertainment anymore — it’s short, it’s pretty racist, bullying plays a huge role in the plot, and the plot is pretty thin. Yet (much like Song of the South), Dumbo is a huge center piece at

ding ding ding!

This whole article smacks of internalized misogyny. 

Tracy Clark-Flory Is Actually Very Wrong???

Bra-fucking-vo! Spot on! Her take reminds me of the people who take enjoyment from others by denigrating something that they no longer think is “cool”. The sports writer (though his best columns actually aren’t about sports) Joe Posnanski wrote about the time his daughters were watching a parade at Disney World, and

Yes! This is the right take. 

Wow, I need to watch all of these now!

There’s two things I’ve submitted a bunch of radars for that never get resolved, that I’d gladly trade one of these point releases for, lol.

One, iOS’s inability to remember your last played audio source. Play a podcast, pause, wait sometimes as little as ten minutes and get in your car, hit play. Music starts playing

Girl. No. This is a bad take and you should feel bad about it.

Is it possible your husband ruined it for you with his attitude?  My ex made me hate things I loved by ridiculing me/them.  

Now playing

Counterpoint from the stellar “What Makes This Song Great” series. 

Jagged Little Pill was “Baby Shark” for mid-’90s angsty tween girls.”