
Awww, you don’t believe a word you’re saying.

You’re just an asshole looking to upset people.

What a sad life. :(

I fell asleep during episode 6 (that’s not an indictment of the show; I promise) and was really confused to wake up 45 minutes later to another show that started autoplaying. I went back to the Shrill page to confirm that yep, there are only 6 episodes. To be blunt, the show felt really incomplete like that. The only

Eh, I understand what they’re saying but they seem like they’re laying this at the feet of people like Chelsea, which is crazy. It also seems like they’re opportunists too. They saw someone who was famous and knew that confronting her would get a lot of attention, so they went for it. 

He’s not Dan Savage. But he’s also not not Dan Savage. 

Oh I wish.  Getting a documentary distributed is a nightmare, and sadly, the world of documentary is as narrow minded and fixated on convention as a Hollywood film.  I’ve had more than a few people say my film will never make money.  And they;’re probably right.  If nothing else, I’ll self distribute via the usual

Does the film have distribution yet? It sounds interesting and moving--I would like to see it.

I agree, it must be traumatic for them, in a way that neither I nor most commenters here can understand. With that said, Syed is entitled to a fair trial, and while his guilt might be debatable, I doubt many could claim that his first run through the system was fair. Lee’s family didn’t sign up for this, but if Syed

My friend with MS wants a fancy one like Selma’s so she can use it with her tiara.

Same. I still remember how much I enjoyed her in Samantha Who?

He wanted to make a movie about his daddy; but, his father was an unremarkable man. So, he stole the legacy of a talented musician and the history of Black Americans to elevate his father’s average life (and make some money).

Covington was not “debunked” at all, those kids were still a bunch of racist entitled little shits that needed a good hard spanking. Ford’s story is credible.

We don’t appreciate you fabricating stories like pizzagate either.

BREGMAN: You’re a millionaire funded by billionaires. That’s what you are.

Don’t you just love a story where everyone involved is trash.

I think that woman would be triggered by absolutely anything. This has nothing to do with the size of the seats and everything to do with her being an abusive garbage person who moves through life looking for any opportunity to degrade other people while feeling self-righteously aggrieved.

I remain completely baffled about the appeal of Pete Davidson. 

Breakfast is the best food on the planet, whether you eat it at 8 am or 2pm, or 11pm. Its the best food ever created.

Name a breakfast food anywhere as delicious, like, sushi or marinated cassava. I’ll wait.

The fetishization of serial killers needs to be erased from our collective lexicon. This is pain and suffering writ large into the public consciousness. Charles Manson has become some sort of garbage icon with his face on t-shirts and the semi-subject of Tarantino’s next film (Q, I used to love you, but stop it with

In a lot of cases I can`t even separate after death. In the case of dead old white guy art in particular - most of the modern western canon is rife with assholes and sociopaths (Hemingway, Picasso, Fitzgerald, Conrad, Nabokov, you name it), and I`ve got no time for that :/

When I was kid my mom would take us to store and she’d only speak to us in Portuguese because she wanted us to learn it. One time at the register of a supermarket a white lady made a comment to her friend to the effect of ‘I wish these people would just learn English or stay where they came from.’ To which my mom