I wish! I did tell him, after his frantic apology text that I liked him but I didn't LIKE like him.
Love this comment (and, yeah, I’m a Gen X-er).
I don’t know how kids today live.
I used to work directly across the street from the building I lived in and at the time my partner and I had somehow gotten into the habit of using ridiculous food euphemisms for sex. One day I was at work and got a message that said “If you come home right now, we can have egg salad sandwiches” so I dipped out of a…
Actually, I hate to say it but you’re absolutely right. In retrospect the goth / punk / counterculture crowds I ran with in the 90's ALWAYS had shitty toxic guys in them (usually with anger issues) but were always protected by the community because ‘they had a good heart.’ Weirdly they were often DJs.
I can’t believe he didn’t even have the decency to ask if you had gone splat, let alone not text-cuddling.
Whipping his dick out was bad enough, but he also actively tried to ruin the careers of those women and anyone who tried to report on it as well. People don’t talk about that enough. Like so much fucking hand-wringing over a guy’s “ruined reputation” and literally nothing about the reps of all the women he crushed…
“And I really can’t see the Garofalo of the early 90s - the alt comic feminist - allowing a comic of that generation to skate so easily if they’d done something like that to her.”
A ban on politicians over the age of 65 would solve a strikingly large number of our problems. Neither Trump nor Hillary Clinton would be in office. Neither would Pelosi, nor Hoyer, which means those old clowns wouldn’t have shot down AOC’s Green New Deal committee. Just another good idea from the Communist Party,…
Ah, sex. A topic with its very own special brand of dismissive misogyny (at least, when a woman is the subject).
I watched Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood for the first time this year so it wasn’t a bad year for me.
Let me see if I get this straight. You don’t know this guy. He doesn’t know you. Since you’re a fan, whatever hits he ever had you already own. Still you find it terribly hard to stop supporting him even though it helps him continue to rape with impunity. Don’t hide behind words like love, this is about being as…
We have some real edgelords here, THAT’S the only connective tissue between Applause and FG, Inc.
Somewhere, a scientist is burying his head in his hands, saying, “I built that robot to save humanity, not entertain it!”
Exactly. I saw all 3 Star Wars movies in their original theatrical release. I was a little young for Shampoo, but I saw a sanitized-for-TV version a couple years later when “movie of the week” was still a thing on network TV. Blues Brothers and other films would come along a little later when renting a VCR for the…
I have worked in politics and government for almost 20 years, and McCaskill’s comments reflect identical sentiments to the Boomers (people who have worked here since the 1970s) in my office.
Dumb people like big simple solutions.
So a standard Mark Millar project then? There’s also the requiste gay panic--even the “oxfords, not brogues” comes down to signalling a proper kind of masculinity. I get that the choreography of the church scene is great, but that’s exactly when I hit my limit watching the movie and when I rolled my eyes for this…