
Trips to department stores pre-lockdown was never productive anyway. I’d go to buy something, it wouldn’t be there, and would get instructed to order it online. From Neiman Marcus to Target, they have driven/trained us order online.

“Crystal Jewell”’s comments on the site are completely interchangeable. I assume she would respond to an article about a chocolate chip cookie recipe with how democracy has failed her.

SO, I had COVID and let me tell you how much it suuuuucked.

I was married to a guy who was a proudly professed “work-aholic”. In fact he was just a jerk with a personality disorder who used “work” as an excuse to get out of doing things he didn’t want to do. This sort of spilled over on me because I bought his schtick that work work work was all that mattered. If I took a sick

It looks like the main issue here is that she’s no longer earning what she once did from the merchandise, which kind of makes sense to me since current trends in portraiture have a more inward focus: people don’t want pictures of babies on their walls; they want pictures of their own babies on their walls.

Republicans managed to turn a Purple Heart into a liability but Biden should open up his entire archives to public scrutiny.

I wonder how Bohemian Rhapsody would have turned out of Dexter Fletcher had been allowed to direct the movie all along instead of having it first taken away and then given back to him after Singer was fired. Bohemian Rhapsody was such a boring biopic, but Fletcher’s next biopic project, Rocketman, was absolutely delig

My dad came from poverty, and he was a cheapskate even though my parents had plenty of money. He constantly bitched that we kids were spoiled and didn’t appreciate everything he’d done for us. Except we had nothing else to compare our upbringing to? My dad refused to pay for family vacations so we never went anywhere.

Wendy & Lisa were doing a lot of writing and music with Prince during the mid eighties.  They were much more responsible for the sound of ATWIAD, Parade and Sign O The Times than Prince would every give them credit for.  Their Solo work deserves a look over also. 

I bought every Clone Saga story. I’m sure they made money from people wanting to figure out how it ended.

Ah, the ComicsGate historical revision.

Wonkette! Wow, it’s been so long. I really miss the Gawker days of yore. I’m glad you still pop in. Take care and be safe :)

Plus, there’d have to be a Brittany Murphy memorial which would just bring tears to our eyes...but if they were to do a reunion I say bring Nicole Ari Parker in for Dionne instead, but no one will mention it just like a replacement actor in a sitcom and they can just all pretend like she was there along and they can

I was so excited to hear some Persian in this episode. If I may translate a scootch of ghost Nandor’s dialogue. “This idiot has forgotten his own language. I’m so ashamed of you.”

i just rewatched all of season one to prepare for this!  let us proceed!

Hester is right. Kevin is the male Karen.

And then tells everybody about it at work the next day despite everybody rolling their eyes behind his back? Kevin. Definitely Kevin.

Anyone who hasn’t should listen to Slow Burn Season 2, about the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal. I did not think that my opinion on Tripp would be changed, and that I would always view her as an absolute asshole, but the episode on Tripp (which she was interviewed) absolutely made me view her in a more sympathetic light. I