
I feel like the reason is more about how trans women are viewed as more transgressive. Trans men aren’t considered as remarkable, because we live in a society where masculinity and manhood are desirable, so people aspiring to be men isn’t viewed as quite so disruptive. Trans women, on the other hand, are giving up the

I’ve wondered this often too- and I can’t help but wonder if it’s some weird version of trans-sexism; in which the media is only comfortable with these women, because they’ve been born male. Additionally, the majority of transwomen that are shown are glamazon models despite there being a whole spectrum of transwomen

Came here to say the same thing.

“I wonder why I only ever see trans-women in the media?”

I agree. In addition, we only have to look at every pedophilia scandal that has come to light to see that those in power will virtually always protect abusers rather than protecting kids. Just look at Penn State, or the Catholic Church, or any one of the scores of schools with a teacher or coach who was abusing kids,

Can they distance themselves from being a movie about abused Native American women that stars a bunch of white people?

Why is everyone awful?

Everyone I know in LA is now comparing notes. Did this happen to you with this person? Did I take this exchange/touch/conversation the wrong way? I’m hoping this is just the tip of the iceberg, because there’s so much more to be told.

I feel awful saying this and I know it’s awful I’m even thinking it.

Women are fucking DONE and I am delighted.

Oh, so does this mean we can finally quit pretending that Terry Richardson hasn’t been gross as hell FOREVER? Also, his shitty photography has always been just as much garbage as he is as a human being, and I will never understand his popularity.

Yes, please! My fb is deactivated now, but when I use it I have like 50 people on it. I did the whole “everyone I know, plus the cashier and the receptionist at the dentist”. I hated it.

I listened to “Ghetto Superstar” the other day for the first time in years and her voice, while very, very pretty – it’s pretty! – has NO oomph or power behind it. She sounds like she’s singing with mouse lungs.

My stomach was dropping the whole time I read this. I’m so glad she got away from him. I have no doubt that he would have raped her if he had a better chance to do so.

We have nothing to hide, and are as angry and baffled as you are at how Harvey’s behavior could continue for so long.

Omg. That guy is off the rails and 100% wrong and doubling down on his wrongness with insults and profanity. He belongs on deadspin.

My joke was sadly misconstrued and the way kinja formats my comment became the second one, then three rebuttals, then my explanations fell sixth and seventh in line, but after five you have to keep reading to get to the next comments.