Dude, I don’t enjoy your purposefully-mussed and gelled hair, I don’t enjoy your edgy biker jacket, and I don’t enjoy your old-guy-with-a-young-shtick shtick. I most certainly, then, will not enjoy your dick.
Huh, so reports were that Bjork was difficult on-set? That is kind of a textbook excuse proffered by predators and their dudes against women who push back against their bullshit, so...
Paul Bettany openly talked about what Von Trier got up to on the set of Dogville. I seem to recall it was stuff like buying a stack of porn mags and telling an actress that they were Bettany’s. Said he hated the guy so much by the end of the shoot that he dragged his bed away from the hotel wall because he knew Von…
If only some cunning sleuth could connect the dots to figure out who the perpetrator was. If only this puzzle didn’t have so many missing pieces...
The person who decided to sing Hallelujah as Clinton was not the person in charge of booking Trump as a guest.
Oops — posted this on the wrong article. Meant it for SNS.
Dear Jezebelles, today was the best day of my life.
Yes, All Work Places.
Well, off to get myself lost in a Scottish bog (which is still going to be a vast improvement over how the rest of this week went).
I like imagining Rihanna on the couch eating her night cheese.
What the fuck, that was the best fucking show! I was so mad when I heard it wasn’t reupped. I already hate this guy for being another entitled dick head male who thinks women are there for his personal enjoyment, but fuck him sideways with a rusty pitchfork for on top of that cancelling an amazing show.
I have never, ever heard a story where everyone involved acted so appropriately in the face of a boy grabbing a girl. Wow. Good for you and that school!
Ugh, that’s why I recognized his name.
I’m unknown in the screenwriting world, but I wrote a pilot script that made it all the way up the food chain to this guy’s desk. He apparently loved it until he found out a woman wrote it, or at least that’s what my contact theorized to me. I had submitted it with only my initials for exactly that reason. Apparently…
I know I’m grey but just a service announcement to not to respond to slippyhandelmann as s/he’s a known troll. dismiss dismiss
Someone ungrey Jenna. And let me know if you need stars in the future.
he canceled Good Girls Revolt and the Good Girls Revolted against him. maybe they will reverse all of his decisions
I saw this article on fb and I came here just to find out if it was the guy who canceled Good Girls Revolt. I knew someone here would know. Makes a lot of sense that this guy would not have liked it.
I’m still not over that cancellation. Whateventhefuq.