
I know it’ll never sink in for him, but that horrible, panicky night he finally just had, when he was emailing his colleagues, realizing that his life was fucked: that’s how he made women feel every damn day.

Here come the mansplainers to mansplain mansplaining to us.

Tell me more about this musical car

Most Duck Dynasty t-shirts are also camouflage.

Megyn Kelly asked her audience to raise their hand if they support political demonstrations at sporting events. Less than half of the audience raised their hands.

I feel like smart people who get plastic surgery don’t get it to look super young but just to look the best version of themselves at their age.

Ok, Robert Redford...

Sometimes I wonder if plastic surgeons don’t  mess with their celebrity patients by making them pay a king’s ransom to just nick them with a scalpel a few times. Jane Fonda looks great but she also looks exactly like her father did when he was about the same age as she is now.

I think that the real lesson here is that old white men should probably not say things in public.

Rehab addict is SO MUCH BETTER than fixer upper!!

I have Rehab addict and the new Trading Spaces for my DIY fix.

You have to admit, though, that the ghost of Dorian Corey is smiling at this exchange:

Gaga is the closest thing we’ve had to a Bowie since Bowie.

Wrong. The release was originally scheduled for September 28th, 2018, not next week, and has been moved up to May 18th, 2018.

Why is talking about the reality of what Black women face anti-Black male? We are always told we’re being divisive when we talk about what’s going on. It’s a great way to silence us and nothing has to change. This has nothing to do with white people and what they want.

Omg this article is fucking perfect.