
Steve Carrell comes across as just the nicest guy in the world, and I want him to be happy and keep making fun movies. And he's right about the cruel thing, though I think the show does that a lot less than it used to.

Yes, I'm aware of that. And the fact that anyone has spent any time or money opposing the equal rights of others is shameful.

So they don't discriminate directly (which: DUH); they just work to keep a whole segment of the population unequal using the money they cheerfully take even from people they despise and want to see treated like shit on a policy level!

Oh for fuck's sake, what is wrong with everybody lately? I was making a JOKE!

It is actually bigotry pretty much by definition, but whatever. Opinions, oddly enough, can be biased and bigoted and stupid! I'm not sure why you think that because it's an opinion, that precludes it from also being a fucked-up one.

Aw, honey, I just can't even. I mean, if you can't discuss something without name-calling people with cartoonishly outdated references to long-dead boogie men of the Blacklist Era, then... well, Grandpa, I've told you I don't want to hear about how you ratted out the Rosenbergs anymore.

Well, I think it's actually part of their administration's job to decide who gets to build in their cities, and if they think a business that blatantly discriminates against a good percentage of their citizens isn't a good fit, then they can deny permits. That isn't a threat... that's just business.

Being a bigot.

Reading this just made me even more atheist which I didn't think that was scientifically possible. And yet...

Go and sin no more.

Sometimes you just look at comic book design and think: What the fucking fuck? I mean, these guys... these tasteless, tacky comic artist guys.

Ignorance of this nature is often a very persistent condition since the people so afflicted seem equally unable to take in new info that conflicts with their personal desires.

I'd like to read your comment, but I've misplaced my Typo-to-English dictionary.

I've gone from being kind of excited about this way back in the casting phase to giving not one single shit now. The world needs a three-part Hobbit movie like it needed a two-part Twilight finale.

Oh, snap!

Sometimes I feel as if Sigourney Weaver was addressing all of us when she said to the Thermians, "Surely you don't believe that 'Gilligan's Island' was—?"

These things are all cute and awkward and stuff, but why can't people just come home and see their kids without turning it into some kind of an America's Sappiest Home Videos competition entry? It often seems as if they are delaying seeing their kids in order to spring some sort of viral surprise on them, and I really

First time viewing a teaser trailer, huh?

Well, that was unexpected. Thanks.

I'm sorry, but that is the biggest, most, over-dramatic pile of shit I've ever read. You're at a fucking convention and a pretty girl is Vanna-Whiting a product. If she doesn't know shit about it, don't talk to her. I'm sorry if her boobies and smile make your wang jumpy, but every person ever