Skids the Charmin Bear

It’s worth noting that Harris County has a larger population than 25 states. For all the “buh huh, Texas sucks” people, especially those on the East Coast, imagine that your happy little blue state got squashed together with, like, Kentucky, Tennessee and Indiana, and let me know how think your elections would go?

This election is teaching me a WHOLE LOT about how perspective is everything. So many people seem pretty much determined to think that everything is bad, always. As this article demonstrates, some things that happened yesterday were bad, but many were very good. The very fact that someone like Beto got so close in a

Colorado used to be blood-red just 14 years ago. Now look at them.

To be fair, we all mainly suck. But we can get better.

“I hope they remember. I hope Texas remembers.”

This gives me so much hope and joy! Only 2 more years til we get to do it again!

I too have received a mis-directed text message from the Beto campaign.

I was really hopeful that we might be able to oust Emmer this year but it’s not looking very good. Do you know how close we came to getting rid of Bachmann in 2012? 1.2%. SO DEPRESSING.

I only (finally) did this a couple weeks a ago, but I’m so glad I did. I’m always tempted to answer the call because my father passed away recently and my mom has been intolerable and, at times, abusive. Now I don’t even have the option of answering her calls. We started using Google Voice a few years ago when we

I've had the same plan for a wedding since the age of 7 : Courthouse, tell everyone later, make them give me stuff.

Holy shit this blog post just unleashed a major peeve of mine! I know this applies to any big city, but I live in Seattle, where it really doesn’t rain but it pretty much drizzles/mist like most of the time. Anyway, two things I might add - ONE, if you live in a city that has constant moisture dripping on your from

Oooh. I’ve been to El Paso only briefly. I have a friend who lives there and seems to enjoy it. She’s very into outdoorsy things—hiking, running, trail running, etc., so she seems to have found a good scene for that.

Bless you for being supportive of him through all that. It’s not fair for spouses either, and I know many brilliant (female) trailing spouses who’ve essentially had to settle for adjunct positions because their (male) partners got a good placement.

This is why I pay to podcast the Free Beer and Hotwings Show. It’s one of the worst names in the history of radio (which they’re happy to admit), but they’re a million times better than that Eric and Kathy or JShow garbage that’s on terrestrial radio. Rarely they will parody a “typical” morning show with a mysoginist

I like to wear mine whilst hunting quail.

Butt hurt. For real.


Jeff Dunham, is that you?

No, no, no. They did a survey of people who claim to be vegetarians. Like the guy who told me the other day that he had just become vegetarian, but still ate ethically sourced meat. Or the other guy who said he’d been vegetarian for years....then told me how great the shrimp was there. Flexitarian, Pescatarian....if